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Everything posted by egzlilgituarboy9

  1. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/HTH/33-2066 these exact ones im thinking of just buying projectors because i figured they were facing the wrong way and dont know why or maybe i could modify this light to make it fit somehow. any suggestions?
  2. ok so i just bought a hid kit and was wondering about this small sheild that it on the around the bulb on one side. should this shield be facing up or down? when looking at my lights it seems that light is only coming out of the top half of the light because if the sheild but i looked and the light can not be flipped in any way so i had no choice but to leave it did this happen to anyone else?
  3. i know AZC and MSA both sell them. AZC told me they wont have them for another two to three weeks and i need some asap and i dont wannt spend more money on the MSA because there not aluminum and dont have the bump steer spacers. is there anyone else that makes them?
  4. yea i just asked him to send me pictures of the exact coilover. i even looked on k sport's website and couldnt find any model that fit s30 chassis
  5. id imagine its like the ground control but comes completes with adjustable struts. I messaged the guy on ebay and said that they were for S30 chassis i think im going to end up buying them within the next few weeks if i can
  6. Came across these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300459973605&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT and was wondering if anyone has used these before or if anyone knows about these on a 280z. I couldnt find a thread about these on a S30 only S130 let me know if these have been discussed before. Thanks David
  7. im looking into buying gauges for my car and curious about the fuel gage does anyone know what ohm resistance level the stock sending unit uses?
  8. here is mime with rota rb 17x9.5 with 275 in back and 9.0 with 245 in front
  9. Does anyone make a 2 step or launch control for the l28?
  10. i didnt get a chance to yet i was gona go today but i have to go to a funeral for someone i dont even know so im trying to go sunday
  11. ok well im going to look at a 1976 280z tommorow. its got a turbod motor and a megasquirt. what are the main things i should look for. like where are the most common rust spots and so on thanks david
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