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Everything posted by loy

  1. My friend got a consult to work on his rb25
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1971-Datsun-240Z-Restored-5-Speed-A-C-Bare-Metal-Repaint-Rebuilt-Engine-Gorgeous-/111074140633?_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&forcev4exp=true#ht_112021wt_1167
  3. Also in the MS harness use the white as signal. The shielding should be grounded. The other wire is not needed.
  4. There's a screw up front. You should be able to see it top center. Then there's one in the back of it. Dead center also. They are philips. After that the gauge should come out. To fit the autometer will just take some thinking and cutting.
  5. http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/77165-82-83-l28et-distributor-plug-pics-please/
  6. I too am now experiencing chat room sound related problems.
  7. Never talk about compensation unless you have the offer in hand! Never bad mouth previous employers. Research the company. Have questions to ask them.
  8. Also when asked a question it's OK to take your time to think about it rather then answer immediately. Don't just give yes or no answers, elaborate. Tailor your resume for the job. If something on your resume seems kind of hazy, take a quick review before an interview. Do you have an ideal working place? Small company? Big corporation?
  9. Sell yourself and have confidence. Never stop networking. Some kind of internship/co-op is great. Always be nice to everyone you have contact with at the company from the receptionist to the multiple interviewers. Look neat. There are many jobs one can get. I'd look to see what each company offers. There are many engineers in their late 50s/early 60s always retiring. Even though companies don't advertise any opening it doesn't hurt to ask. Indeed.com for jobs
  10. An sr20det will also have that oh wow "JDM" already turbo $$ factor.
  11. Crazy, seems like that was the only difference from mine to yours. Didn't think thatd help solve it.
  12. Check spark plugs to make sure they aren't soaked in fuel. If so let it dry out and try to start again. Check AFM?
  13. Have you tried posting a topic of what you have done and what you have checked? You might get pointers to where to check and whatnot.
  14. Check trigger noise filtering and make sure it's not too aggressive.
  15. You verified/matched that it's a 87 ecu? At the bottom. http://www.xenonz31.com/ECUdifferences.html . 81 harness with 81 ecu? Just wondering if you did anything with the resistors. Are you spark plugs fouled with fuel?
  16. Does it run with the throttle slightly open? Does the pump stay on when it's running for a second or two?
  17. I'd keep it in the 12s. 11 seems a bit rich.
  18. Hmm does it have steering wheel controls installed?? Does the IR remote work correctly?
  19. http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/77165-82-83-l28et-distributor-plug-pics-please/?p=736235 . With the hump upright.
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