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Everything posted by txitalian

  1. I apologize in advance if this is not the correct forum, but I am in San Antonio, TX and am looking for someone in the area with Turbo swap experience. Short version, I have a 1977 280z and about a year ago, I bought a wrecked 83 zxt with the intent of swapping the motor in. My mechanical experience is pretty basic, but when I took on the project, I knew a guy who offered to help. Over the last year we pulled the motors, and rebuilt the turbo one. A few months back, the guy helping me started having to work a ton of hours, has a family,etc, so understandably, was not able to help me complete the project. I hired a guy from Dallas to come down and swap the turbo motor itself into my Z and thats where I have been for the last few months. Whats left is the wiring, cooling, exhaust, accessories,etc and doing it on my own is way out of my scope. If there is anyone nearby willing to help out (for money,beer,whatever,lol) please PM me. I've tried the local Z club and there didn't seem to be anyone with experience on this project. I've felt like giving up and have started to write a for sale ad countless times, but have come this far, that I hate to not complete it. Thanks
  2. nvm. must have been inhaling too many fumes lol. i'll just see if nissan or home depot carries some.
  3. Running stock injectors for now and looking to buy a barbed fuel rail with fittings and gauge for my L28et. Thanks
  4. Doing the L28et swap into my 77 Z and am looking for a custom fuel rail for use with stock 280zx turbo injectors,preferably with the pressure gauge attached. Also, I am using a T-5 transmission and am looking for a drive shaft to go along with it. Thanks!
  5. 1977 280Z /4spd I really hope this post makes some sense and I'm just about to the point of frustration that I'm thinking about taking it in to a "real" mechanic,but thought I'd turn to the forum first. A few weeks ago, I started up the Z and heard a loud grinding type sound. Flywheel isn't that old, so figured it was the starter and bought a new one. I'm running into some problems trying to install it. Below is a picture of my old starter. The arrow is pointing to where the positive battery cable was connected. On my new starter, the bolts are reversed. Where the pos. cable connects is to the right of where it originally was, making it impossible to connect without touching the other bolt. Can that cause a problem? In addition, the cable where the spade connector is, splits into 2. One has the spade, the other has a circle shaped connector, that was also on the same bolt where the pos. cable was connected. Whats the purpose of the cable? Doesn't look OEM. Anyhow, I connected all the cables and as soon as the negative clamp touched the neg post, I heard a "whirring noise" that did not go away until I removed the clamp. Help!!! :-/
  6. After Googling until my eyes turned red, I'm caving in and posing this question to you guys. I am looking for tire options for a 1977 280z with 15x7 konig rewinds. The results I've found so far, all seemed to have suspension upgrades, so since mine is stock, what would some choices be? It's my weekend cruiser...,no high performance driving through the twisties,lol. Just want it to look good. thanks
  7. Looking for a steering wheel for my 77 280z. Prefer one from a 240z or an aftermark grant or momo w/adapter kit,but at this point, anything will do. I am in san antonio,tx. pm or email me price. thanks
  8. Wanted some input as to if this is a good deal or not. 75 280z with 82 2+2 turbo/trans installed. Was running when parked 2 years ago. Interior needs work, usual rust,needs rear window,head/tail lights. He is selling it for $500. Thoughts?
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