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Everything posted by Xepher2792

  1. Odd I didn't get an email notification when you guys posted, so a very late thank you for the information. I'll go solder that back on. Now i just have to figure out why my battery in draining (or maybe i just have a bad battery) and than I should have a running car again (for a week until something else goes wrong )
  2. Oh wow I figured the forum would auto resize them. Here are better pictures (hopefully). Edit: They were still huge so i made them smaller. Edit Again: The image uploader is being annoying. Got it.
  3. I was installing a new coil into my 77 280z the other day and there is a wire above the coil that came off of a small barrel thing and I have no idea what it is. So here are pictures of this thing and I would like to know what this is and if it is something I should reconnect (it most likely is).
  4. Just thought I would mention this as I noticed it as I was reading through the thread. But not all s30s were carbed the 280z came with fuel injection. Not a big deal as it was still a non-stock motor and the rb26 will be much more fun
  5. What do you mean you converted all your cars? meaning you have different engines or you did something to the distributor? I am needing to replace my points as well so i am very interested in this thread as well XD
  6. Hahahaha, wow I just read through this entire thread and had a great many laughs those bananas a bunch of pages back made my already sore throat much worse but it was well worth it
  7. Those look great! I can't wait to see those babies installed and lit up i might just go with this in my z. I've been wanting to replace mine damn I need a job
  8. Mine is doing the same thing and from what I've read around the forums it seems that your problem is your fusible links so try cleaning them off. Personally I'm jumping the gun and replacing them with maxi fuses because I am going to want to replace the stupid things anyway.
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