I want to get some opinions before I start throwing money at this. Let me give you the rundown of exactly what happened; sorry in advance if this is long. Last Wednesday I pulled out of my parking garage and turned onto the main street. I pulled up behind another car and I *think* I stalled it. This is the only part I can't remember accurately, whether I stalled it or it shut off itself. Anyhow, I had to crank it for like 10 seconds before it started again, and after it started I noticed that the exhaust wasn't nearly as loud as it was before – usually there's a drone between 1500 and 2200 rpms. That was the first clue that something was weird. It seemed to be running fine though.
So I got on the freeway and in third gear I tried to accelerate to get in the next lane but the engine suddenly cut out. I was able to restart it right away, but it cut out again about a minute later and again I was able to start it while driving. Finally about a mile later it shut off and I coasted to the shoulder where it refused to start. One of the accident avoidance trucks with the arrows pulled up about 20 minutes later and tried to help me get it started. During this time the starter would spin but nothing would happen. My flywheel normally grinds every now and then, but this whole time it didn't grind at all, which again was weird. I thought maybe the starter or flywheel teeth were completely gone, causing the engine to not turn over, but the dude said the crank was turning over. He pulled a sparkplug and inserted a srewdriver to make sure it was getting spark. This time it started up and stayed running until I shut it off. He thought maybe my fuel gauge was wrong and I just needed gas. I knew my gauge worked though - it said I had 1/2 a tank. He put a gallon in anyway and it started again but died. I tried once more though and it started and stayed running.
I was able to drive up to the next exit and find a gas station. Shut the car off, filled up, she started right up again and I was able to drive it 10 miles to my brother-in-law's house. I didn't want to try to make it all the way home by myself, but unfortunately he wasn't home. So back out to the car, it starts right up again and I decide it must be fine now and I try to drive it the remaining 15 miles home. About 1/2 mile down the road it dies. Won't restart. Btw, it was only about 60 degrees out. The highway guy mentioned vapor lock, but I've driven it on 90 degree days and it's been fine. So I was able to get it started again by just waiting a few minutes and cranking it for a while. It went about 2 blocks and died again, not to be restarted. I tried for 20 minutes to get it going, but in the end hiked back up to my bro-in-law's house to call a tow truck.
He showed up shortly and we called the tow and went down to wait for it. I tried to start it and, of course, it started. But I didn't want to take any chances, so I had it towed back to his place. Once it came off the truck it started up again and I was able to drive it up his driveway and into the garage where it now sits.
At the start of this whole thing I thought it might be sediment in the fuel lines. I had it up on jack stands for about 4 days while I upgraded to the Toyota 4x4 calipers, and I thought maybe being at an incline for 4 days caused some sediment to settle in the fuel pickup or something, and that by adding new fuel it stirred up the sediment enough to allow fuel through. I replaced the fuel filter when I bought the car just as a precaution (not because anything was wrong) and right after I replaced it the rubber fuel lines exploded. The filter must have been clogged quite a bit and when the new filter was put on the old lines couldn't handle the normal pressure again, so I'm sure there's probably some stuff in the tank. My only other thoughts are bad plug wires (but it would still stay running unless they ALL cut out, right?) So then I'm thinking bad coil - that would cause total power loss. The only other thing that was suggested to me is a bad ignition module that acts like the key is being turned off – my boss said he had a problem like that with a tractor. All I know is before this brake upgrade it ran perfectly fine. Let me know where you guys would start. I just discovered that this car is burning though about 4 quarts of oil every 2 months, so I'm not inclined to put too much money/effort into getting this engine in shape - I'd rather spend that time/money putting an L28ET or something else in, but if this is an easy fix I'll continue to drive it until the engine goes on its own.