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Posts posted by Lazyeye

  1. We ended up doing the adjustment cold, it made much more sense given how slow we went doing it.


    Anyways, the engine sounds pretty good right now, but I'm thinking that I need a new clutch, and that some of the chatter I thought was coming from the valves... was coming from the clutch.

  2. yeah I used to paint houses and cars from time to time, so I helped him out with some tips and tricks :D next summer one of my friends should have his paint booth built and im going to bring it over there and give it some real paint :D

    Black with gray racing stripes? lol.

  3. @Empire: I don't recall if the can advertised UV protector, but it was the indoor/outdoor stuff

    @Hughes: I live in Grants Pass (for now)


    We'll probably end up re-doing it next summer as was the original plan, we just got overly ambitious on Saturday :)

  4. My objective was to paint my 280zx to look good at 20 feet, without spending much money. I didn't like the peeling brown paintjob she came with, so a temporary solution was called for.

    So some sanding rust spots, clearcoat, and 4 cans of Krylon Satin Black later...








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