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Posts posted by OmakZ

  1. Well, my car got hit on Friday night by someone backing out of a driveway. Now I need a new DS door. And since having an old car with one color of crappy paint is okay but having an old car with multiple colors of paint is trashy, I will be finishing the body work on my z and repainting her sometime this fall.


    On the bright side, my bagged Volvo is moslty done and driveable now. What a weekend. :rolleyes:

  2. My valve seats are original and I don't run treatment. I'll replace them if they wear out (though from what I've heard, many people don't run lead or treatment and don't have noticable issues). Probably I'll destroy some other part of the engine first (or just replace the whole thing).


    After 73 you're supposedly running hardened ones anyway.

  3. I'll have to bug you when I get to the wiring point for that. Always good to have an experienced eye. Is your 240 in seattle now? Or is it still back home?


    Please do, I'm always down to help. My Z is out here now. I had it at Nissan Fest and a few other things. You'll see it around sometime, I'm sure.


    Austin's Z runs now, BTW.

  4. Yay a PNW thread :). Let me know what you end up tapping for the fans. I'm thinking I'll just be running a stand alone on mine.


    I'm sure I sound like a broken record but I really like the Hayden fan controllers. I've used them on both of my Z's and on several other builds I've worked on.


    They come with all the required wiring and connectors. You can pick up a Hayden 3647 at Orielle's for $36. They have them behind the counter so you'll have to ask. That's the dry sensor model so the probe just goes in your radiator fins.


    /shameless plug for a company that isn't paying me


    You can tap the engine power circuit as it comes off the relay on the firewall for the switched power. I had mine wired differently the first time and it cooked the controller (I'm guessing it had to do with unstable voltages). Switched it to that point and haven't had any problems since. Tapping my power off the starter and grounding it all up front somewhere.

  5. Wow, RCAs were the best $70 upgrade I've thrown at this car. They were light enough that I could lift them but had enough mass that I could throw them pretty hard.


    But really... now my car doesn't feel like it's going to fall apart every time I hit a bump.

  6. By the way I'm crashing this thread! Southern Oregon, lol


    The more the merrier.


    Yeah, the most expensive part of the GCs winds up being the dampers. I Have a pair of BZ3099s NIB for sale if anyone is interested.


    Pm'ed: Joel from Everett, 72 240z with Jtr swap being finished up.


    Cool, I'll go ahead and add you but I probably won't resend the list until next weekend. :)

  7. For why? I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...


    If you mean to lock the collar in place, yes. My guess is that the collar is split and that there is a screw that tightens it on the sleeve though (like my GCs). If that's the case, you wouldn't need to run double collars.



    I'm getting RCAs on Sunday! :D

  8. Yeah, I've got your number.


    I have no idea why the coils are so cheap. A similar kit from GC would cost $300.


    Maybe they're just a knock-off of the GC kit. :huh: I could understand the price then.

  9. Also, cross posting from another thread, I'm starting a contact list of the local Z people. If you want the list shoot me a PM with your name, the year of your Z(s), email, and a phone number you can be reached at (specify talk/text). You don't get a copy unless you're on the list.

  10. Hey all,


    TL;DR: This is the PNW Z community thread.


    I'm starting this thread because I believe in a large forum setting like this it's nice to have a thread specifically for local enthusiasts to get to know each other: a community building thread. This is a place to chat about life, technical frustrations, garage and junk yard days, mini-meets, quick tech questions and emergency/loaner part requests. If it doesn't warrant it's own thread, it can go here.


    Mods, if this is the wrong place for this or it's out of line, do what you must. In my experience, these threads are great ways to strengthen local clubs and community. :)



  11. Hey, welcome to the club.


    There are a bunch of us around here; some veterans, some kids, and some in the middle. I don't know if any of them will find their way in here but who knows.


    We should start a list of PNW Z-ers. The Volvo club I'm a part of has one. The rule is: You don't get a copy of the list unless your contact info is on the list.


    Shoot, I guess I'll start it. If you want the list shoot me a PM with your name, the year of your Z(s), email, and a phone number you can be reached at (specify talk/text).

  12. Thanks man! I love them because they're kind of retro and but still very sleek and race-car-esque.


    The hydro brake would be run in-line just before your line lock. Brake fluid sucks. I've definitely painted a brake booster very carefully only to find that they master cylinder leaked and the paint is all bubbled off. Hang in there!

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