That is kind of apples to oranges considering you are comparing a 17x9 -13 RB-R to a 17x8.5 +4 RB. They are not the same style of wheel, hence why they don't look good together. They simply aren't the same design. The 17x8.5" RB might be called an RB-R if they don't make both styles, but the center style on that wheel is the RB style not the RB-R style. It is a bit confusing, but the 17x9 you can see the center is more sunken in and does not have the curved spokes of the 17x8.5". That center is the RB-R center, the RB center curves outward affording more lip, but resulting in a different look/feeling. You would want a 17x9" RB and a 17x8.5" RB or a 17x9" RB-R and a 17x8.5" RB-R. In any case, looks good, enjoy!