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Everything posted by RedHotZ

  1. Yesterday it finally started! Downloaded 029q and cranked it... without anything happening.. Got totally fed up, loaded a default file that came with the 029q files (Saw later it was set up for 8 cyl ), and then it fired! I'm very happy! Thanks for all help guys!
  2. This is what the label on the MS-box from RS-Autoparts states: - Hardware: MSnEDIS - Firmware: MSnSpark Extra 024s9 Production no.: MS2-0251 In Autotune Configurator I have activated MSnS-E 024s. Does anything else have to be activated? Also tried to install MSnS-E ver 029q, but it wasn't too keen on doing that. Will try that again today.
  3. It is some errors written in the audit log, but what does it mean? I tried setting crank rpm to 200 which did't help much. Also started the engine with "starting-gas"(?) hoping the higher rpm would force it past the cranking program with no effect.
  4. Now the ignition works.. there's no fuel. Probably it's just a minor programming fault, but I can't seem to find it. I'll give a description of my settings so hopefully one of you can.. Everything is working but - No reading on Pulse width (red gauge) - No reading on duty cycle =0.0 - Spark advance = -10 (red gauge) when cranking Rpm gauge has a steady reading of about 220. PIP is connected to TACH terminal on relay board. SAW is connected to S5. Note: I can't choose "time based" crank timing under SPARK-SETTINGS as described in: http://megasquirt.sourceforge.net/extra/setup-edis.html
  5. I finally got the EDIS working! After alot of testing and also checking Ford wiring diagrams we found the one thing that messed it up. + from VR sensor should go to pin 5 on the EDIS module and negative to pin 6. That worked for me anyway.
  6. Jupp, it's shielded. Can it be the fact that the shield is in contact with ground elsewhere than edis ?
  7. My VR measured approx 0.8V also. And I have disconnected MS with no better result. BTW I use a relay board and the MS was set up for MegasquirtnSparks-Extra as firmware. Got it from RS Autosport.
  8. Thanks for helping! Checked yesterday: - Polarity on VR sensor correct - EDIS and coil pack have steady power BUT The RPM indicator was not steady.. When the power is turned on everything looks ok. (pic01) Starting cranking, rpm showing ~226, spark advance at -10. (pic02) After about 5 seconds the RPM turns to 0 and indicator turning red. Could it be the VR messing up? Checked location and gap and it should be ok. Should the shield be insulated with tape etc? (Hmm.. See I cut the pictures a bit too much. The spark adv. indicator is btw always red but showing -10 when rpm works)
  9. Hi there! Been following this post for a long time and have picked up quite a few good tips. Everything is now mounted in the engine bay, including the EDIS-6 and a WBO2 LC-1. Everything seems to be in order when I hook up the PC. As i turn over the engine I get a reading on rpm at approx 220. But I can't seem to get any sparks. As I crank the engine holding one of the sparkplugs to ground there is no reaction. But if I'm not holding it to ground and turn the engine over, stops and then puts it to gound, there will be a single spark. I've checked it has enough power by connecting power supply directly to battery +. I also have tried running the EDIS without connection to MS as I understand it should give spark by itself. Anyone having any ideas? Pictures: http://forum.200sx-ogn.org/car.php?mode=viewprofile&u=26
  10. Oops! Right month - Wrong year! Are you still running the same map and version of Megatune?
  11. Hi there! This is my first post on this forum. I've got an L28 with similar modifications like you: -Stock engine and injectors -6 to 1 header, 2.5" exhaust -60 mm throttle body -Some sort of cam with higher lift.. -MS 3.0 (2.25) and MSnS-E for sparks. Also planning to use an EDIS6 which I'm installing these days. If things go like I've planned, the engine will be started up in a couple of weeks. So a map would be very helpful. BTW Sim76, it does'nt seem like your link in the first post is working... ? Thanks Jørgen, 70 240Z
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