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Everything posted by blackhat

  1. Relevant topic and this thread was the best on the subject I could find: Has anyone dared to dream of using the MSgpio http://www.msgpio.com/manuals/ (that is already using a MS) to run A/C? Seems like a great way to help with the needed increase in idle for compressor kickon. I've got this crazy idea that with some serious part modification in the dash one could get a lot more out of the A/C system and remove the vacuum hell in the engine compartment... Or am I delusional?
  2. Thank you for the gentle reprimanding I'll be more diligent in the future.
  3. Read the rules twice, three times now. Next time I should put the description / title switched? Because if I had guessed at the description before my title would have been "Is this the MAF sensor or Emissions tubing?" Which would have helped no one in a search. Ergo, I went with a more vanilla title. Not trying to be defensive, or an ass. Just trying to figure what the admins want for titles. Surely you guys don't think every title can be search-able?
  4. FINALLY found it in the FSM. It is indeed the vacuum tank. The other two valves are the Magnet Valve FICD which goes to the Fast idle actuator and the magnet valve - vacuum source (names per the FSM). Go figure... I tried so hard not to have to ask and then I find it as soon as I do... I can tell I'm going to have to read that section of the FSM about 10 times before I understand the logic behind all of that mess...
  5. Ok, this isn't my engine bay (but I can see part of what's confusing me in it). Just to the left of the fusible links is a metal plate with two metal (diaphragms?) things attached to it. Directly below that is a plastic (almost reminded me of a big water bottle) canister. There is a vacuum line running from that metal assembly down to the canister. Both of those are what I'm trying to figure out. And now I'm curious, AFM is different than MAF? I assume the theory is the same, the implementation is just different? Sorry for the ignorance, you don't have to answer this, I'll look it up if you don't Once I figure out the name/system the canister thing belongs to I'll look it up too.
  6. I've spent half of my day feeling like a retard. I have a 77 280z, just got it a couple of days ago and I'm trying to get familiar with everything on it. I've run across an assembly that is confusing me. Located on the passenger side of the engine, attached to the inside fender is a plastic canister (not the charcoal/carbon canister) that has vacuum lines running to(iirc); the intake mani, a diaphragm looking device attached to the intake manifold and then to another device mounted just above the canister. Now, I'm fairly certain the L28E has a MAF meter(right?) so this can't be a MAP thing... and there is a hose connected to the 2nd assembly that goes through the firewall... I'd think if that was to a gauge it'd be for pressure and the oil gauge is the only thing I'm seeing there... so... ??? I was thinking emissions, but I figured I'd ask before I went crazy trying to figure it out myself... I can post pictures if needed, but I figured this would be a duh thing.
  7. I'm not really happy with the box either. Fairly high on my todo list is to glass the subs in behind the fenders. Which is going to limit how I direct them anyway. Dealing with acoustic bounce in a car is a nightmare anyway you turn it really, but I do plan on facing them as much toward the rear as possible... Although, I think performance might be better facing sides from glassed housing than angled at the back window. At least then you do get some dispersal towards the front. If I get too concerned with it I'll make a mock up housing and play with placement. I also plan on trying to find a new home for the cap and crossover... I'd really rather have a little trunk space and I think there's some other locations I could put those. Top priority is the charging system problem. Tested out the alternator (it's the GM replacement/upgrade) and it's doing great. My guess is a wire fried between it and the battery. Fusible links are a mess and I've just decided to put in a AGU fused distro box to replace them. I'll probably end up replacing a lot of wiring too. Still digging stuff out at the moment while I wait on parts to arrive. I'm surprised the wiring didn't fry earlier considering the power ratings between the alt and bat. If I'm not mistaken, these upgraded gm alts go up to 120A (Summit version). After that is fixing the heater core (or whatever is going wrong there). So the glassing work is getting a little bit delayed. Guess I could just turn the box around for right now...
  8. I've been a 240sx enthusiast for a while now. Had two, one I did a lot of work to. Moving on to the 280z! Here she is... Plenty of work to be done, but I feel good about the starting point. Starting off with some slight alternator problems (barely made it home, dropped below 10V by the time I pulled into the driveway. Thank god it was a fully charged battery when I left.) Slight rust evenly distributed over most body parts (near the top of the list to be fixed). Want to glass in those subs so I regain some useable trunk space and dear lord I need the heater core to work (my feet are still cold from the drive last night). I'm excited to get to work on her. It's been too long since I've been under the hood of a datsun/nissan. Big thanks to HybridZ for a kickass website and all the help (Got good info last time I did a MS installation on my 240sx). Look forward to a ton of opinions!
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