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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

the guy fixed the carb and everything, and he said taht to fix the backfiring problem, he turned up the base idle, but then he said that creates something called "dieseling" or something. this is when the car won't freakin' shut off when i turn the key right? well, this car makes an ungdoly noise when i turn it off(like it's trying to still run even though the power is off), and the car is incredibly hard to start. it seems like it floods really easily and if it floods, i have to wait forever to get it to start, if it works then. what the hell is going on here? and how do i fix this? should i take it back to this dude and be like "what the hell did you do to my car?"?! thanks.

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Guest Anonymous

Mail me your carb. I will not only work on it, but will fix it for free and will make sure that it will start a car.


Your story really angers me.


It sounds like you like in cheats/ville. Or where people have no damn knowledge of how "real machinery works".


That Son of a Bitch should have fixed it for free for the honor of working on your car.


You could have bought a new carb for what he charged.


I will fix it, If you want me to.

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Guest BadKarmaCreepin

hell yeah!!! but is there something seriously wrong with it? or did the dude seriously dick me over...cuz if so, then i plan on going back and gettin some other stuff done for nothing . probably not going to happen, but it was worth the idea. i mean, this is now my primary mode of transportation at the time being.

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Unless you have som bad problems w/your valvetrain, your dieseling problem is probably ignition related - not fuel related. Make sure your timing is set correctly, then check your entire ignition and secondary ignition circuitry.


The person who rebuilt your carb obviously doesn't have a clue if he hasn't already mentioned these possibilities to you.


From your previous post in getting the car home, I think we can pretty much rule out valvetrain problems, if once running it runs fine...


Hope this helps...





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