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Titania and simulated 1V signal from LC1?


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Ok I know the Z31 uses a zirconia O2 sensor which from what I can tell is the 0-1V sensor. If that's the case does that mean that the S130 is a Titania sensor? If it's a Titania sensor does that mean that it's resistive? If it's resistive will it (a stock S130 ECU) work with a narrow band output from an LC1 wideband 02 system that puts out a 0-1V signal?




I'm assuming that the Titania uses a pull up to 1V resistor to get a reference voltage across the Titania narrow band sensor for a 1V output. If that's the case could you remove the pull up resistor from the ECU and use the simulated 1V narrow band signal from the ECU?



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  • 2 weeks later...

i know im not answering your question but why not just run the factory 02 sensor and weld another bung on the exhaust for your wideband and use it by itself. is there a specific purpose for wanting to do what you described? im curious. if it were me id just wire the narrowband output to the factory o2 harness wire and keep an eye on the afr. then you would know if you need to remove the pullup resistor. btw do you have scematics of the ciruits inside the ecu? i would love to see those! good luck


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