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Weak Idle after fuel tank upgrade

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Hey guys, 73' 240z with an L28 dual webers, recent replacement of distributor, cables, battery with car running fine. After having a massive fuel leak from the tank I took my spare to get treated and sealed with all new sending unit and fuel lines in the rear with deleted vapor tank. Z is currently running on mechanical pump (still new).


With the tank install and deleted vapor tank my idle is weak. Now I'm talking flutter at -500 with a nasty shake and not very responsive to throttle past 2800 rpms. Any suggestions?

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Try running the car with the tank filler cap off. Just to check if there is a vacuum issue. If there is a vacuum in the tank it may not allow enough fuel to flow down the line.


Or the disruption to the system could have dislodged some crud which may have blocked something like your fuel pump or filter. You might need to check them again (even if they are new).

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