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Quick question on how to install rear side seals with pins.


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I'm in the process of reassembling my motor, however, the Felpro gasket kit includes two flat rubber seals and matching flat pins for the rear main bearing cap...a little diffent than the ones I took out. Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding the proper installation of these seals and the flat pins.


Here are the steps I'm about to follow, please correct if needed:


1. Install rear main cap with some RTV sealant on the ends and torque.

2. Install the two rubber seals on each end of rear main cap with wiper ends facing out.

3. Then drive in the 2 flat pins behind the rubber seals (bewteen cap and rubber seal). This is the step I'm not certain about. Does the pin get inserted between the seal and the cap or between the block and the seal?


A quick response within the the next few hours would be great...should at that point by then, thanks.


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