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Fibreglass parts overseas

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After stripping my 260's guards & seeing the cowboy job done on the weilding & also warping a guard myself (facepalm) Ive been looking for fibreglass or CF guards (fenders) & bonnet. I live in New Zealand, & even though the economy & dollar isnt what it was I thought I'd post some prices Ive come across here.

Ive found bodykits & race pieces on line but not guards (I might have but I cant find anything in my fav's)

http://www.zparts.co.nz/ ~ I asked about guards, I was told that they could get some with the headlight buckets attatched. If I remember correctly NZ$600 +tax each

www.msfibreglass.co.nz ~ Bonnet/hood NZ$600 +tax would need bonnet pins, I didnt ask about the inspection lids, guards/fenders NZ$400 +tax each

I asked if these parts were made with chop strand or woven cloth. They said they would use either for what you need. I also asked about having these made in carbon fibre, but not dry. He said its 3 times the price for carbon race spec.


This is just a heads up if the dollar changes & if it becomes econimical to import from here if the price is right as I have to work between the exchange rate + shipping if I look overseas


If anyone has a site for F/glass guards could you please leave a reply? I proberly have come across sites before, but like I said I cant find anything in my fav's list


~ Mark

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