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I-6 Assembly problems

Guest Zpeed

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okey, i've done a full rebuild, i gave the whole engine disasembled to the engine shop, i got oversized pistons, new timing chain, gasket set, lash pads, rings, re-bore, new Head...


now i've got everything together again, the bottom end as far as i can see is perfect, the top came assembled accept for the cam lobes and the camshaft, i've put these on, put the head on the block, fixed the timming according to the haynes manual, with the notches in the cam and the white mark on the chain.... well about to put the engine into the car again (its on the stand now) me and my dad try to do the camlobe clearence, using the haynes manual it says when cold exhuast is 0.25mm and inlet is 0.20mm, (might be 0.02, something like that anyway) i've got all of them adjusted except for the number 3 and 4 piston exhuasts, i cannot get the clearence and there is no more thread, also are all the threads (i forgot wat it is called, the part where you adjust the clearences on, damn hate when this happens)


well they are all un-even, some half way, some at the bottom, some with no thread left to go any higher, with my dad, who has done many engines in his time, (but first Z engine) he says that it isn't good for them to all be uneven, they should all be even viewed, they should all be at the same height.. i do not know how to fix this, ... it is a new head, i'm not sure if the camshaft has been shaved and balanced for this head, it is the same model E33 head, but does the camshaft need to be aligned with the new head. my engine guy should of done this, but not completly sure...


also does it matter what order the cam lobes are in, theres some numbers on the side, E60, E84 something like that, some are different on some and other are different numbers... could this be a factor...


i don't really want to remove the head from the block and have to take it back to the guy.. is this my fault meaning bad assembly on my part... i asked my uncle who has had experiance with L series engine and says that it isn't right, they all should be at equal height... maybe the valves are to high...


thanks for your help... sorry for being a little vaque... and going on...


i want the engine to be ready in 10 days..i won't be happy if the engine isn't done by my birthday... ahhh...

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likely whats happened is some valve seats are sunk up into the head and you are out of adjustment. or the valves have been ground too far--(assuming stock cam) as you cant make those lashpads any thinner.

whoever did the head work needs to redo it..


just to make sure the marks on the chain are to be 42 links apart (as i remember) and on the RH side of the motor.

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thats for that SCCA.... people at zcar has said that also, i'll be taking the head off the engine tommorrow and giving it back to the engine guy... I think that is the problem with the valves....


i got the head assembled when i got it, so it is his fault... and i know that he won't charge me anything to redo it, he is a good guy and would be ashamed of the work that he has done if it is his work,...


thanks for your replys

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I took the head to the shop yesterday and got it back today...


He had to shave the valve more... looks like he made a mistake, or maybe his apprentice... he didnt want to say that he did a mistake.. but i don't mind.. he did the rest all good


he didn't charge me anything... and he assembled the whole head again for me, and greesed everything up... and also adjusted the clearances again,., to make sure it was right.... i'll put the head on tommorrow.. put the engine back in.. everything else also.. get it started... and i'll hopefully be able to drive my Z for the first time since i got it..( well first time it has stuffed up on me). YERRRRR babay...



hope i get my license next wendesday... DAMN.

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I had a simialr problem when I last assembled an L6. I had valve from a 280 installed in my 260 head. The machinist didn't take the time to verify that all the valve were installed to the same height. When I went to adjust the valves, all the valves need different thickness lash pads. I was pissed. I removed the haed and had the machinist redo it.


The moral of the story is that the installed height of the valves is important, and the all of the valves should be the same or you'll never get the valve geometry correct.

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for some reason people dont seem to realize that on a L6 you adjust the valves BEFORE you install the head on the block....i guess its harder in one way as you need a vise that can hold the head with the cam and valves open..then you can easily see if the head has sunk seats or other issues to resolve before final assy.

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I would've done that ( setting valves before assem) butt i paid for the machinist to do that stuff, thats why i did it on the block..


i was fixing the timing chain today, and i accidently let go of the screwdriver holding the spring tensioner in place, had to remove the whole front of the engine, it was already silconed, but worked out allright...


and then another bad.. i was dropping the engine in lineing it up with the bellhousing, the cluth master cylinder (i think that is what it is) is all bad inside, needs a hardcore cleaning, so i couldn't put the clutch pedal in to get the lineing corect to bolt, but it got to late for me to do anything tonite... all tommorrow.. i'll get it started tommorrow for sure...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is running now, i've got major carb problems... the round tops SU's i bouht need a rebuild, well that what i think, and i put the flat tops back on untill i get some money to rebuild the carbs and the flattops are shocking, i think its the flat tops that are really bad to... i get really bad take off, and really bad response i press the accelerator, it goes to 3000rpm then it drops back a little then punches.... and sometimes it backfires from the carbs...


so i'm not happy as yet... and i can't get good performance out of the car yet.... i can feel that it is there, but its just not working at its full potential...

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