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LS2/T56/240Z drag racing Moulton, Alabama 9/7/13

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26 more trouble free timeslips. Finally found some traction at 13psi in the slicks, Tokicos on setting 1, and great track prep and lots of VHT. Best 60' of 1.43, best ET was 6.96, tying my best from the spring. Started night with 2-step at 3500, poor traction, down to 3000. Late in the night found traction after relatively systematic trial and error and the track prep team constantly working on the track (three trips down the track with the sprayer throughout the night). Was able to progressively increase two step as traction improved to 4500 and did last three runs with that. Water box man helped me with burnout-peeling of tread was from insufficient burnout (they have a great water box). Used my skinny radials instead of bias ply front runners (experimenting) and car went straight except when I dropped tire pressure to 11psi, at which point, the car liked to turn hard to the left in third gear when the cam comes on. Back up to 13 and all was well. Seems the bias ply myth is a myth after all. On my car, the Hoosiers are definitely more stable than the MTs. Also, running out of gear with the 26" slicks again. I think that is why my mph are low. Hitting rev limiter just before traps. Next slicks will be 27". All for now. Timeslips tomorrow-does anybody enjoy those, or is it stupid for me to chart them? Eager to do some 1/4-mile. I think the car will dip into 10s.


Timeslips  .500 tree; this track displays reaction time from that, so a 0.000 is the same as a 0.500 at other tracks

#     Hour    Rxn     60'     ET  mph  Comments

1     7:33    .048  1.566  7.32  94     solo

2     7:37   -.027  1.573  7.20  98     solo, red light

3     7:46    .063  1.576  7.32  98     solo

4     8:21   -.012  1.541  7.54  80     solo, red light, then missed third gear

5     8:27    .071  1.646  7.31  98     solo

6     8:34    .037  1.540  7.10  98     solo

7     8:41    .034  1.525  7.08  98     solo

8     8:50    .082  1.569  7.10  98     solo

9     9:04    .013  1.609  7.34  97     win over stock mustang GT auto, I shifted late on 2d and 3d gears

10   9:20   -.007  1.571  7.11  98     solo, red light

11   9:27   -.022  1.521  7.12  98     solo, red light

12   9:36   -.003  1.561  7.10  98     red light, lose to 6spd Mustang GT500 S/C modified for drag racing; ran 1.41 60' and a 6.64 ET-fun race!

13   9:39   -.093  1.529  7.06  98     solo, red light

14   9:42    .054  1.26?  7.08  98     lose to nitroused mustang with a 1.36 60' and a 6.6 ET, moth must have flown across my 60' beam

15  10:00  -.078  1.565  7.15  98     red light, other car ran 7.6

16  10:06  -.042  1.515  7.23  96     red light, other car ran 9.8, but I red lighted and shifted late

17  10:23  -.119  1.549  7.15  98     solo, red light-with better traction, I'm red lighting more, but am tending to roll deep into second light too.

18  10:33   .071  1.530  7.13  98     solo

19  10:56   .247  1.503  7.14  98     win over Mustang, he requested Pro-tree.

20  11:11   .217  1.484  7.03  98     lose to same S/C GT500 which ran a 1.44 60' and a 6.79 ET-good race, Pro-tree. 

21  11:26  -.016  1.477  7.08  98     red light against 7.50 car

22  11:31   .219  1.457  7.02  98     lose to 5.82 nitroused mustang that had a .072 Pro-tree reaction and a 1.22 60'

23  11:35  -.002  1.490  7.12  98     solo, red light, but best light of the night.

24  11:48   .047  1.447  7.00  98     win over 7.50 mustang

25  11:54   .094  1.438  7.02  98     win over 6.97 LS a/t NOS Camaro who didn't spray on that run-beat him off line and to 60' to beat faster car!

26  12:00   .050  1.457  6.96  98     win over 8.41 mustang


A good night, overall, but not happy with my tree work, but it was great to have traction.  Temperatures dropped late in night, but humidity was very high-everything in my truck bed was soaking like it had rained. I think mph would be more like 100 if I weren't hitting rev limiter just before the beams at the finish line.  Time to go get car off trailer and put the street tires back on.  Gonna drive to work this week if it is sunny.

Edited by RebekahsZ
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bias ply myth is no myth my friend. Put a 275 40 17 out front and tell me how she dances! Solid times. That car 60's very well! The best i've managed on motor is a 1.52, granted i havent been to the track with the new tire setup yet, which should help quite a bit.

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Yeah, I'm pretty tormented about a roll bar design right now. I have a reliable estimate from a good local builder for $1100 for 6-pt chrome moly, but there are so many competing priorities: chassis stiffening, ease of entry, do I want to have to remove my steering wheel to get in (and make a YouTube video of the crash when it pops off!) will bracing to the rocker panel really do any chassis stiffening, etc. so many compromises to be made! Or, go all the way to a cage, and add the time and effort for all the dash work. Argh! I've looked at a lot of examples and I just don't know where I want to door bar diagonal to terminate. And, main hoop diagonal design is so different from SCCA to NHRA. I will likely do the SCCA style with an extra bar or two to comply with both main hoop specs. Decisions, decisions.

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