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DEFI Heads up display

John Scott

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hud's always freak me out a bit... just doesn't seem like something i would like. particularly if it meant i got stuck with a digital tach... i remember once i drove my friend's neon at night, and found that i really didn't need to look away from the road to drive, since it had a very well thought out tach: straight left is idle, straight right is redline. particularly nice since that night his dash burned out, all i had were the needles smile.gif

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I'm a "carb" and "analog" guy myself--just can't seem to get in to all of the EFI stuff right now. There is something raw and primal about gas sucking carbs, big&loud torquey motors and analog gauges...Gets the blood flowing, know what I mean?


I guess at the very most I would go with a Jacobs ignition system. That's about as complex as I would want it for now.



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This ALMOST looks like what some car manufacturers are going to. A computer "brain" that sends out a specific signal for each electrical component in the system--thus keeping each component separate from each other in their readings. It's like the human body when your brain tells your little finger to move--the impulses travel along a common pathway, the same nerves that go from your brain to the rest of your hand, but the finger knows to move by itself. This is similar to "daisy-chain wiring" (much fewer wires, less weight, etc.) Difficult to tell if that is what this truly is. The cars at my dealership have this type of system. There is a downside though: what happens when the "brain" (read expensive) has a problem? There is a high possibility that nothing will work or that many things will work haphazardly, etc. Computer modules can your best friend or your worst enemy--quality and budget come into play here.

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