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PCV & Boost - My Experience

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Scottie, on my Eclipse GSX, I tried the blow through trick on the old PCV, a non-Mitsu replacement, and a new Mitsu replacement. The difference is incredible. The new Mitsu leaked very little. The non-Mitsu new replacement (A/C Delco?) leaked more than the old cruddy Mitsu piece!


The reason I was looking into this is because when the balance belt snapped and took out the timing belt, I pulled the head to see what the valve damage was (I was lucky - the valves hit, but didn't bend somehow!). Anyway, I found a TON of oil in the intake coming from the TB (due to the valve cover vent which now goes to the atmosphere) and a huge thick trail from the PCV hose connection inside.


BTW, does anyone know of a good catch can to put in the PCV hose to separate out the oil? I wouldn't mind having to empty it every once and a while if it would keep oil out of the intake.

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There are a couple of threads going on related to PCV but I thought I would start a new one to pass on this little tidbit based on some experience and not have it lost in the other threads.


Last year I blew a head gasket and the gasket blew at the top into the valley. Before I knew what actually happened, I had put 20# boost into the valley and crankcase. You would be amazed at the places oil finds to escape the engine under that kind of pressure. So, what does that have to do with a PCV? Well, you might be putting boost into your crankcase pass the PCV. That is a BIG hose. I was warned about this on the Buick board and so I went to a parts store and opened up 3 new Purolator PCVs and blew against the check ball and guess what? Everyone one of them leaked. If I could blow by the check ball, then imagine what gets by when a lot of boost hits it and worse, how old and worn is your check ball? So, not only are you losing boost, you are losing it into the crankcase which could be cause of some of those mysterious oil leaks.


Pull out that PCV and blow its ball icon_biggrin.gif. In the Buick world, one of the vendors sells a replacement unit that is guaranteed not to leak and it is a popular item.

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