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Fuel lines

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This my be a bit silly but, what does one think about putting the fuel line inside of the cockpit, down the center? Bulkhead fitting at the rear and bulkhead fitting at the firewall? Is this not good?

As long as I have good tight fitting and no leaks, would this be ok?

Trying to make a clean installation, almost nothing on firewall.



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I dont know about you but in case of an accident....I dont want Fuel Lines nor spewing fuel anywhere near me! All it takes is one spark & Poof(!)...your toast!


I personally wouldnt feel comfortable knowing a fuel line is inside the passenger compartment.


If a fuel line is going to crack/leak during an accident-I'ld like that one-two second head start of running away prior to coming in contact w/fuel. If its on the outside leaking & not on the inside-I'm confident that I'll have a couple seconds le-way if that situation ever manifested.


If I've misunderstood your comment & my reply has nothing to do w/your question....then NEVERMIND!



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Guest Locutus

It is a very dangerous idea to run a fuel line thru the passenger compartment. In fact most racing rules(NHRA, most stock car tracks , Nascar, etc) require that you run the fuel line under the car and not under the driver. Fuel lines have a nasty habit of leaking in accidents even if a minor bit leaks you don't want it in a confined space like a passenger comparment where a small spark can cause the vapors to explode,outside the car gas disipates more quickly and is less likely to explode. Just my .02 cents

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