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i started it today and man what a beautiful sound rockon.gif At first it wouldn't start it would just pop so i figured it had timing probs so i checked and sure enuf it was 180 degrees off so i turned the dist and vaaarrrroooommmm started right up i didn't have the idle set high enuf so i had to hold the gas but man i had a woody for the rest of the day :D Tomorrow all i have to do is just put on about 8 hose clamps and add water and she will be good to go.I can't wait to take it for a ride.Here is a pic the ic pipe going to the ic from the turbo is a temp cuz i need something to get it to the shop to make another. www.zdriver.com/rides/showpic.php?name=scottyMizt_1022982771.jpg

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Guest super280z

Cody, that has got to be the sweetest lookin zx i've ever seen. msa kit right?


Congrats Scottie! hope to hear about some low ET's pretty soon!

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Guest Anonymous

Good to hear scotty! I'll be sharing the excitement in the next few months (hopefully) when I get my ZX done! So post us results when you get it broken in and nailed to the floor!


And cody..

that IS a very nice looking ZX! What does it for me is the fact that the body looks totally smooth, did you actually smooth out the waist-high line in the body that runs from the hood or is that just the direct-light? Looks sweet either way with the tint and whatnot, and nice wheels too! Besides the flares, I probably won't get into anything bodywise with mine, although I'd sure like to smooth out the lines, and replace the gas cap with a yamaha or viper type filler! Then of course get my hands on some'them painted bumpers, and paint em like you did yours. I must say that getting rid of the stock blacks looks 200% better, I just haven't found a solution yet cry2.gif

well good luck scotty

-980mak rockon.gif

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Thanks guys and cody that is one bad a$$ looking zx, any mods doone to it?I plan to actually drive it today up and down the road a few times(no insurance or valid plates)i can't go far cuz the po-po will get me.Plus i want to see how much it has with like 5-7psi of boost.I didn't even hook up my dial a boost i don't even want to be tempted to turn up the boost. :D

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Guest Anonymous

Good boy scotty,

bad boost, bad! nono.gif

It'll make it that much sweeter when you finally get to all-balls it in a couple weeks when its broken in and legal!

congrats on your completion!

-980mak rockon.gif

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LOL that's too funny mak i actually drove it today and man does it have some power for 7psi.I could only get it to go for a bit cuz the first ride it spooled up and the a big pshhhhhhh and the car almost died I was almost crapping my pants i didn't want it to be messed up.So i shut it off and opened the hood to fine the crappy ic pipe i made had blown apart at the rubber connection :eek: So i just put it back together and tightened it more and was back on my way back to the house.But now i have an even bigger problem it won't go as soon as it spools up it will start to haul a$$ and then it will just stop like i was falling backwards cuz the seat wasn't bolted down :D Oh wait that's exactly what it happening i don't have the seats back from the shop yet and i had to use one of the seats i had laying around for the 1600 an it doesn't bolt up so i just kept falling back and my foot kept coming off the gas bonk.gif But it runs great i have to find out why after i give it gas and then let off like to stop while driving it will stall any suggestions?

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Might be because the BOV is letting off so much air that it's making the car want to stall. Someone else on here had a similar problem and ended up much happier after routing the blow off to be re-injested into the front of the turbo. Also helps the turbo keep spooled through the shifts when setup like that.


Also these stupid AFM's can effect how the car gets air flow by when it's opened up and when it closes (suddenly). I SO want to go to mass air, a MAP sensor.


The new setup looks a lot clearner! Is your idle pretty rough with those mercedes injectors? Do you think you'll have to shroud your fan, or will you be installing electric fans? Let me know what you think about the new turbo size. I know it's hard to tell untill you get a good run, and you've gotta take it easy on the engine for a litte.

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Guest Anonymous

LoL scotty that's pretty funny about the seat!

yesterday I was cleaning the carpets and I set it back in, right on the gas pedal, unknowingly. So I go to work, put the clutch in the 1-2 shift, instantly revs out to about 5k before I could shift! And this is at 8 a.m. sunday, so my neighbors were a bit angry as my car isn't exactly quiet as a mouse at 5 grand ;)

anyway, just a similar gas pedal story, thought I'd share :D

as far as your stalling, I'd agree its possible you're bov is venting so much air you're idle air advance drops way low, although I've not heard it being a problem for most systems..

there should always be at least near atmo pressure, since the bov is merely equalizing the pressure from the intake to atmo. Who knows though..

you could try slightly letting off on the gas, not totally closing the throttle plate. If you had to stop you could always heel/toe to keep from stalling in emergency. But if it only does this at quick throttle closing, I'd suspect what tony said could be it. Might wanna check some books for troubleshooting?

man I can't wait to get my turbo done!

-980mak rockon.gif

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well the only prob i have about the BOV idea is that i don't have one yet.I have the hole that is in the tb capped right now.I was thinking maybe it could be from maybe a leak in the boot from the afm to the turbo sound aboout right?And tony it idles actually really good with those injectors i like them at idle my a/f mixture is just about right so far i didn't have it running really long so i don't know if the o2 sensor got warm enuf to get it to work right.The 02 sensor is new so i know it's good i had to replace it last year cuz the old one destroyed it's self when i tried to take it out for the new dp.Hey mak i can imagine they weren't happy with the engine revving my neighbors hate spot(mazda)Cuz with out the thermotime switch it's a bugger to start in the morning i have to floor it and it will finally start and it's loud too. smile.gif But today i'm gonna bug the shop for my seats so i can keep my foot on the pedal also i'm gonna see about getting it legal so i can break it in and not get pulled over.

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