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simple boost control

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I found this site while browsing turbo sites. Its about the simplest little boost controller I think I've seen, it has very few parts and is a tad cooler IMHO than like the average aquarium valve some people use to cause a leak in the wastegate line to obtain more boost. Check it out:







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Guest Perry

I wonder if that will slow the return of the wastegate to closed. There is no provision to allow the pressure to quickly leave the wastegate when boost drops.


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I agree with Shane, there's more to it than the hardware store valve description, foremost is that it has no bleed orfice. When boost pressure actuates the wastegate and the boost pressure drops accordingly and the checkball reseats...it leaves a column of air filling the space between checkball and actuator diaphram..which holds the wastegate open indefinitely. The bleed orfice size is one of the means of controlling the opening action of the wastegate because it weakens the boost signal (e.g. a 10lb signal the wastegate sees to open it is actually coming from a 12lb boost signal that's been weakenned by the bleed orfice).


I've been playing around with this type of boost control device a bit and I think I can come up with one allows adjustability by adjustability of its internal spring pressure (not by stretching the spring); and by changeable brass caps with slightly different bleed orfice dia.


Meanwhile, for $50, the Hallman device is clearly the way to go for an effective, budget-minded control device and is the best balance between spending hundreds of $ for an electronic controller, and blowing up your engine with a makeshift hardware store gizmo (or making it slow by inadvertantly holding the wastegate open). DAW

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