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ballance your engine?


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Guest Anonymous

So at what point is it a must to have your engine internally balanced? If I had all the money in the world I would internally balance my engine. But it's somewhere around 300-400 to have it done in my neck of the woods. And the 300 dollar estimate is by someone who I would have a hard time letting them change my oil. I know the factory did the external thing for cost reasons but given a motor that only makes around 300hp and doesn't see over 6k is it really needed/worth it? The cost for me to have my flywheel drilled is only like 30 dollars. thanks

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internally ballanceing an engine has been proven to reduce stress levels and make your engine last longer but if your never spinning that engine over 6000rpm and the factory ballance seems ok, I think you will be better off just useing a synthetic oil and changeing it every 3500 miles to make your engine last longer, as a ballance job will not add greatly to your engines life under those conditions. BTW good ballance jobs that do not require heavy metal slugs for ballanceing normally cost about $175 so your getting screwed at $300, check for other shops in your area. ;)

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Guest Anonymous

The balance job was like 125 for the normal balnce job and 300 for the internally balanced job. I think the mallory was like 45 per shot. and it takes 4-6 I think. The guy also told me that he could internally balance the back half of the engine only to make it cheaper. I would still need the balancer on the front to be weighted. but it's only like 80 more to have it all internal. I think I will stick with the normal balance job for 125 and just have to flywheel drilled for external. After a while I will go 4 inch crank and then I will go internal

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