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intake manifolds for small block, turboing ideas

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Anyone have any suggestions on intake manifolds on the market for my project? I'm going to twin turbo my small block. Think I'm gonna use the perfect power model for the fuel management system. But that is still up in the air. Thanks for the info.



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Guest Zcarsmakemyheadhurt

Hey Sean, I like Victor Jr. intakes converted to fuel injection with a down spout elbo to a 2 1/2inch T-body or 3" depending on turbo and intercooler. As for fuel injection I use Microtech fuel computers for complete programablility and timing controll. Just my two cents give me a call if you want me to tell you why I like this set up.


Alex Costa

Precision Machined Engines


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Alex Costa has some pretty serious machinery in his garage---they are working on a twin turbo Nova that sounds just sick from what he tells me.


Buy the book Fuel Injection by Jeff Hartman in the Powerpro Series books. Jeff shows how SBC manifolds are converted to efi use. Just about ANY manifold can be converted, and the shape does not have a whole lot to do with streetability apparently (single plane vs dual plane) when using efi and forced induction, from what I have read. The ultimate shape of the manifold (tunnel ram vs stock height) will make a difference in the top end and it does affect flow characteristics. Get a manifold with injector bosses for a machine shop to drill out and it'll make is easier for them (stronger too). This is the route I'm taking although I like a 90 degree elbow at the top going to a throttle body.


Anyway, this can be done and it can look trick too smile.gif



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I'm with Alex - get the best flowing single plane carb intake you can get and convert it. Unfortunatly the guy I gave my intake to for the conversion hasn't been in touch for like 6months! Great price in money terms but the guy is too busy doing other things to bother with my piddly intake fmad.gif I'm not quite ready for EFI on the Z yet as the computer I want to use isn't quite out yet for a universal app so I'm not stressing too bad but this is getting a bit old.


Anyway, what Alex said should work and you can use a cheap Ford TB or an NOS airdoor if you would like. A tunnel ram should work too but that would likely present space issues. The new Holley EFI intake that's tunnel rambased looks good but it too won't fit without a cowl scoop I'm pretty sure. Since you're injecting fuel nearly at the valve you want something free flowing anddon't have to worry about fuel dropping out of suspension or intake wall wetting rockon.gif

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I agree the Stealth Ram is a good intake, BUT, It has space restrictions. I would personally NOT use it on a Zcar. A hood other than stock, just messes up the lines of the car. Even the Subtle Z hood looks odd. If I was to turbo a SBC in a Zcar, I would use a MiniRam, or converted LT1 intake. Even the Vic. Jr. with an adapter can't get the hood clearance that the MiniRam or LT1 can give.

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Originally posted by JAMIE T:

...A hood other than stock, just messes up the lines of the car. Even the Subtle Z hood looks odd.

Ah, but that is personal preference young grasshopper. Jamie, I know that your opinion is coming from a guy with one of the best looking Z cars on the road, but still, there is nothing inherently wrong with a cowl induction hood, etc--I think they look sexy :D



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AHH SO. I see, one must be open to ideas of others. Point well taken. No Cowl hood for me, I'll just let you do the cowl hood grooven. That's cool. That's what you like. 2thumbs.gif

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