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Alright, now my fuel pump works...


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I checked the #3 injector, and when i was turning the engine over the Noid light lit up, very dimly (maybe it is because it is a noid for a GM vehicle?).

But the thing still wont start... and i do have good spark from the coil...


maybe i should check the plugs and wires...


I'm having the time of my life(sarcasm). :-)



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Hello again,

I solved the problem i posted about not getting power to my fuel pump ( i had a bad fusible link between the battery and the FI harness). The car still seems to not want to start though, i suspect it is because The injectors arent firing, Which in turn i think may be due to the possibility that i dont have the connection between the FI computer and the ignition coil made. I went looking for wires that would connect to the coil from the EFI harness and was unable to find a connection. If anyone knows how the connection is made, and could provide me with a little mental nudge, it would be much appreciated.




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  • 5 years later...
  zmaster said:
would that fusible link bet the one that comes directly off of the positive terminal of the battery, and runs directly behind the engine... well thats what it looks like it does on my 75 280z


well does anyone have an answer...because I am starting to think this might be the problem why my fuel pump won't turn on at all.

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