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Fuel pump (makes noice when hot)

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Hey guys...just wondering here. It's been in the 100's here in Vegas and I have noticed that my fuel pump would make loud wheering (is that a word lol?) sounds. It would only do this when the car is hot or has been sitting in my hot garage. Now here's the question when it's hot out regardless if the car has been driven or if the car is sitting in a hot garage it would sometimes take a few tries to get the car started. It would be worse depending on the heat. Once it does start the pump would make noise and some black smoke would come out of the tail pipe. This problem has been haunting me for the passed two summers and just ignored it as the car runs fine once it starts. I've had a lot of people tell me last summer that the car is suffering from vapor lock....doesn't this happen after you drive the car? I've grounded my injector fan to come on everytime I shut the car off but this does not help. I've also put rubber washers in between the manifold and the bracket that holds the fuel rail to no avail. Could my problem be something else....like let's say the fuel pump? Would extreme heat affect the way the pump is performing? I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe the heat is taking it's toll on the pump...which in turn affect the way it operates at start up explaining the black smoke? aargh...I don't know.....hope you guys can shed some light as I'm barely feeling my way around this problem lol shifty.gif

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Guest Anonymous

The gas has probably expanded in the heat after setting to a point less than evaporation (vapor lock). The gas is most likely a lot lighter and in greater volume causing the pump to turn faster when first starting.I had an old truck that was prone to vapor lock in the summer and I installed an electric fuel pump for vapor lock conditions. When vapor lock occurred, I manually turnned on the electric pump to aid the mechanical pump in packing the fuel tighter in the fuel line and reducing vapor lock.

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Guest Anonymous

If you have fuel injection the you already have an electrical pump. I got my cheap electrical pump out of JC Whitney and installed a pressure regulator before the carburator. If you have fuel injection, there is nothing probably wrong with your electrical pump but annoyance at start up.

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Guest Fast Frog



I don't think you need to worry too much. The fuel pumps on each of the 4 Zs that I've got make a louder than usual buzzing noise when it gets really hot here in Junction(90+ degrees). They also buzz a little louder when the fuel level is really low. The Bosch FP that delivers fuel in my 383Z buzzes the loudest! But it hasn't given me any other problems in the 6 yrs that I've had it.

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