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Boost creep on T3/T04E?


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Has anyone had any boost creep problems on their Hybrid turbos on the L28? I'm looking at upgrading to a T3 stage 3 or 5 with a 10 vane turbine driving a T04E compressor - size yet undecided. Maybe a 57 or 60 trim. I'm wondering if I have to port the wastegate bypass whole and increase the size of the flapper with this set up to avoid boost creep or if there will be a problem at all. Anyone that has gone this route or something similar - please let me know if you had any problems. Feel free to post your opinion on the compressor size. I'm running a basically stock L28 with SDS, 52 Lb injectors, p90 and stock compression for now. I upgraded the Supra IC to a garrett core IC which hasn't been run yet. Goal is 15 (cool,dense)psi right now with good response. Not really a drag racer - would rather have linear power output than a peaky engine. A cam upgrade is in the works.Winter sucks in this part of the world. I've been following the T04 discussions closely - now its time to spend the dough.

Thanks - Doug

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I had severe boost creep problems with a similar T3/t4e and a turbonetics internal wastegate. I don't know if there are different versions of this gate, but mine had ~ 1/2" puck. I went to a big external wastegate, but I've heard of others who have ported the wastegate and enlarged the valve to get sufficient control. Maybe someone can chime in with the required enlargement.

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Yes, my 57trim TO4E t3/t4 had boost creep problems as you have described. I took a grinder and smoothed the transition going into the wastegate hole and also enlarged the wastegate hole. Make sure you leave enough lip so the wastegate puck seals. After this mod my boost creep problems went away. This is the easiest route for you and should solve your problem.

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