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Shifting Problems

Guest CarGuyChuck

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Guest CarGuyChuck

I am not the greatest at driving a stick, but this car is killing me. It has a brand new clutch and brakes, and a fairly new trans, so it's not the car, but myself. I just need some pointers on the first couple of gears. First is pretty easy to deal with, it just takes a little finesse (tight to press accelerator, and really sensitive clutch, so I wind up just revving the engine), the second thing is that is has a fast 1-2 shift. I have to almost immediatley go into seccond gear, but when I press the clutch in, shift, then let out to press the gas, I hear a loud boom from the rear. I know this isn't a good sound, but it's how I've always driven a stick, but the car doesn't want me driving it like that apparently. Is this common? Any ideas? I learned to drive on a '90 Eagle Talon TSi (turbo), so I know how to drive a stick in a sports car, but this thing is just driving me crazy? Is it just too old to play with?

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it sounds like a driveline problem but without more info would be hard to diagnose. what happens if you have the car in a gear, say second, at around 3000 rpm and let off the gas let it decellerate for a second then give it some gas again? Do you hear the boom again or not? :?

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Guest CarGuyChuck

I only hear the boom when I shift from first to second and then just let off the clutch... other than that if shifts great.. it just has a real quick 1-2 downshift.. its like she won't go into second until she's ready to... ;) Sometimes I just start out of second, and if I go into second, let of easy, then go, it's fine. That's not a problem for daily driving, but If I've gotta make a quick turn or take off i'm screwed... please help y'all... I love this car, and need to be able to get around campus.. Also.. anyone make a cold air intake for the ZX?

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:? now it definately sounds like a transmission problem! you can rule out the clutch. i'm not a big transmission guy but i think it sounds like the second gear syncro is screwed. do you notice anything when downshifting from third to second?
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Guest CarGuyChuck

no real problems downshifting, as long as I let out the clutch slowly and don't just let out like I would upshifting. But that's normal.. you dont do high rev clutch drops. It's just a problem going into second, every time I just do a textbook shift, around 3k, it gives the boom.. If I shift, let out a little as I rev the engine, it goes in fine, but it's like taking off from a dead stop. The tranny is rebuilt, only about 40k miles, and the clutch is brand new..

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Guest Anonymous

Well. sometimes it's hard to describe things well enough to get a good response. Inyour othr pose I said maby the rear of trans. was the problem, what I didn't say was that it might be hitting the trans. tunnel. I can't think of anything else back there that would go boom without breaking down..... LOL.I also see you heve another response in here that say's it is the trans. proper which might well be the case. The thing is, if you aren't familiar with different kinds of messed up trans. indications then you can't describe the problem well enough to get a pretty firm diagnosis! Also, I agree that it might be the synchro being spacered on the shaft wrong or who knows is some infindel has been in there and doing what? I still say "Check the clutch free play clearance" because that is what I would do (among other things).


Good luck Mister 19 yr. old military bait!

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Guest CarGuyChuck

thanks y'all.. I am gonna run it down to the shop sometime this week and get it checked out.. and hopefully I won't be military bait..


1) Only child


2) Broken ankle still healing (I cant even sprint five feet for another three to eight months... ankle is still swollen and stuff)


3) In college


4) Planning to be in law enforcement

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