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My first speeding ticket :(


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Yeah LockJaw try that one on me sometime. See if it works. I seriously doubt it! HA HA HA


There is one thing that most cops can't stand and that is someone who wants to be a smart ass on the side of the road. Keep in mind that you probably aren't the only person that he has dealt with on a given night. We see all kinds of people who want to say that they were not speeding or they did not run the red light or stop sign or "officer I only had two beers." To put in simple english we get tired of hearing all the crap that some people come up with. Everybody has an excuse these days.


Now I can't speak for all Police Officers but I will say this about writing speeding tickets. If I catch you for speeding, you were speeding.


I have not had a speeding ticket that I made on radar go to court for the 10 years that I have been running radar. That speaks volumes because I have seen other officers live inside the court room on speeding cases.


Just remember one thing, the police are not your enemy. There are some pretty nice guys and gals who patrol our streets to make them safe for you and me, and who take a lot of crap from the public and news media. We do more than write tickets so come walk a mile in our shoes before you slam dunk the police.


Be nice and see if that works.

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you now what kinda makes me mad is that i drive the speed limit almost all the time(i'm not perfect) But when i am drivingthe speed limit i get tons of people passing me really fast and they don't get pulled over :x The one time i was going faster thru a town i get clocked now that is what makes me the maddest.I had a run in with a jerk cop once i was leaving a light and i let out the clutch and the clutch chattered and the tires made a small chirp and he was sitting on the other side waiting for the same light he whipped around and pulled me over cuz he said i chirped the tires.I nicely told him that the clutch chatters and it does that sometimes.He got all cocky and said so your telling me your not in control of your car? Then i got cocky back and said no it just does that the clutch is made that way.Then he says you aren't in control of your car when your squealing tires! Then i said well you said it your self i chirped them not squealed them.HE says well what's the difference and i said this car is more than capable of showing you the difference.Then he walked back to his car and came back telling me to not do that anymore.I knew he couldn't get me for anything.I just hate when cops take their power too far thinking they are gods and what's with them speeding?They always speed even in their own cars life just sucks :lol:

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Guest livewire23

cops around here never drive the speed limit. they're like everyone else. I was driving on the road in front of my school once, and I saw that there was a cop following me, so I was driving nice n slow. But then this cop started tailgating me like he was in some great big hurry, so I sped up a little so I could turn and let him pass. Make a long story short, as soon as I turned he flashed the lights and told me I was going WAY too fast (I was doing slightly under 30 in a 25), and that I took off from the stop light way too fast back there, and I need to learn how to drive. I thought you get to leave the stop light when it turns green??? :cry: Anyway, he was nice enough not to give me a ticket, I think he actually was in a hurry or something.

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Again!!!! If you haven't walked in the shoes then do not be critical :evil:

Go out and ride with a cop once in a while and see the $hit we put with day in and day out! Most departments have ride-a-long programs go do it and I will promise you that you will look at the police in a different light.


Now I will stop watching this thread after I post this because I do not need to get my blood boiling this early in the morning after working all night!


I come here for some advice and to give a little advice, not to slam on anyone's profession. I just find it odd that so many people seem to know exactly what a cop is thinking or doing when they themselves have not a clue!


Come out and ride sometime. The people who do always walk away saying "wow you guys deal with crap like that all the time?"


Nuff said!

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