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Patriot tight tucks don't fit the 302

Guest bluex_v1

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Guest bluex_v1

I just received a pair of Patriot 'Tight Tuck' headers for my 302 260z and they just barely won't fit without some modification to the steering shaft or the headers. (I had a pair of hacked up long tubes fitted, but once the engine is putting some weight on the frame instead of dangling, I think I'm going to have less ground clearance than I'm comfortable with)

The fit and finish is pretty damn rough as I guess I should have expected for such cheapie parts (still better than the flowtechs I tried...a little grinding will fix most of it). The passenger side of course has tons of clearance, but even with the engine about 3/4" offset, the front-most primary hits the steering shaft. I think I am going to try to move that tube up a little and see what happens...I'll post back with results if I do. I guess it might work out best that they shipped me the plain instead of ceramic ones accidentally.

Oh well, hope I can save someone else some trouble.

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Guest bluex_v1

after much hair pulling this evening I caved and decided to drop this idea and cut my steering shaft in half...I've just spent way too much time on the exhaust to date...I'm disappointed I'm not going to contribute another option for the ford swap. Maybe in the future. I am sooo rediculously far behind schedule as it is.

...also an edit..its the #6 cylinder's primary that hits the steering shaft. I would like to add an observation too that the #7 spark plug could not be removed with the way these headers were bent. Also 3 of the primaries come off the head at about a 45 degree angle which I assume would cause some unwanted back pressure.

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