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MSA Fiberglass parts priming question

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

ok, imma keep this simple, i purchased two MSA parts (fiberglass valance and fb ZG Flares) and they both came with a similar white coating, i assume this is probably a sealer primer, should i just prep this for a final coat of paint since it doesnt seam to need any more primer or filling done anywhere, or does it need to be primed like the rest of the car? im also going to be getting a FB front bumper, is it going to be the same process for this as well? thanks alot for the info, also check my site and tell me what you think of my work on the rear and in the engine bay, not a whole lot compared to some of you guys but sadly its taken me a long hard year to get the car in primer and almost ready to paint... lol, thanks again,



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I would suggest you primer the fiberglass pieces after prepping them with a scotchbrite pad, some paints will need to have the same color of primer or the finished color or look a bit off, car looks great, be sure you trial fit all your fiberglass parts before you start laying paint, you don't want to get done only to discover you need to reshape a bonding edge, good job pot the finished product for us when you get there

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Guest greimann

Like Dr. Evildky said, prefit and make adjustments first. Any of the fiberglass parts I have bought from Motorsport have needed tweaking. It would also be wise to shoot several rounds of primer-surfacer and block it smooth. Fiberglass is usually very wavy and some parts might show print through of the cloth. Prep is everything.

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Guest Zachb55

hey thanks for the tips guys, i will be sure to lay some primer on there when i spray my final coats of it tomorrow... i already did pre-fit the parts i have, the front cowl was for a 260-280z and i wasnt expecting the greatest fit and i got what i expected, needed a little work on the mounting. overall i think their stuff is pretty smooth and not too wavy though, but priming will make sure of that i guess. thanks again.

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