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Paint Choice

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

Today i got my paint all ordered, ive sat here on these boards for a while and i see lots of posts about "cheap" paint jobs. I've never read these in detail, but i know that obviously they are about trying to get paint and supplies for under a hundred bucks or so. How i chose my paint was there was a brilliant yellow truck that was absolutely beautiful outside of the Napa (thats where i get just about everything for my car) and i told the guy "I like that yellow" and he said he had sold that to the kid and he could have a gallon of it for me tomorrow. It's one of NAPA's lines of paint that they ship in and its pre-mixed or whatever and the stuff was really inexpensive, and it was one stage which i thought would be smart for me being a first timer. I paid around $150 for 1 gallon of the yellow, the reducer, the hardner, and a flatening agent which im going to use with some black which i already have out in the garage. i asked about a very similar color which is found on Vipers and well lets just say the paint alone was well over $300. I write this not just to let you gouys know "hey that zach guy is almost ready to paint his car, hope he posts some pics" but to give some confidence to all those other guys just like me who are buying themselves "cheap one stage stuff" cause when i saw that truck i knew instantly that that was exactly what i wanted my car to look like, absolutely amazing! well thanks for listening to me babble... my paint scheme is going to be yellow all over with flat black on the trim pieces/flares... I'm attempting to give them a plastic-like look, like some newer cars around these days...



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Guest chip

I like your idea of the flat black on the trim pieces. I am thinking of doing the same. would powder coating be an option for the trim or would regular paint be better? Just wondering.



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I've seen the same thing, and it does indeed look kick ass! Saw it a few months ago on an old T-bucket, and just about wet myself. Fat rear tires w/ no fenders, semi-gloss black paint, and just a little bit of accent chrome. Truly old school!

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Guest Zachb55

well actually im taking a route i didnt even know existed, and am just hoping it goes the way the guy said it will. he sold me this flattener (pretty costly) in a really little bottle though so i didnt have to pay 150 for a gallon of which only about three tablespoons i will be using. have you guys ever used this sort of thing? he said i could just mix it in with some black i already had (single stage) and if i used like a 1-1 ratio it would be the same as flat black paint... sound legit? well imma go for it, see whjat happends, thanks for the interest.



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