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tokico black shocks? shorter?

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Do they still even make them?



I'm considering buying a pair to replace my tockicos in the rear of the car. I was considering the blacks because my suspension is sooo low, i'm only using the top portion of the shock valving...or is it the bottom portion...hehe whatever.. I'm not using the full range of travel...


I already have it figured out how to install the shorter cartrige in the stock z strut. (ya just need a spacer to fill out top few inches to hold the cartrige at the bottom.) A piece of pipe will do..


Last part of the question anyone even know where to order them from?...the place I ordered mine from is long since gone the way of the dodo bird.




BTW I'm aware of the changes to the suspension characteristics that will happen with a change like this...


If the shorter blacks aren't avail...or way $$$ any other ideas to hold 275 lb range of spring? I have stock spring perches, and the car is lowered 3"+ I use a shorter spring.


Hmmm I suppose I sould switch to a 240 upper perch...which is about half the height of the 280 upper perch....and use a longer spring..hmm that would give me some more travel...of the shock...hmm


Any thoughts? I"m not desperate yet, but i"m in the process of raising the car a 1/2 inch... new tires rub with 200lb passenger on large bumps....


Ahh the fun of customizing...hehe



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