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good SU repair/rebuild kit


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Can anyone recomend a nice re-build kit for the early type twin SU's? I got an extra set for my 260 and want to polish them up and clean everything. I might as well replace all the seals and "freshen" them up while Im at it.


Any tips on which kit's the best bang for the buck??? thx for any info.

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I know MSA sells rebuild kits. Don't know how good they are or if you can get better.


The BIG problem with rebuilding old SU's is they tend to wear out the throttle shaft bushings causing vacuum leaks. In fact, the carb bushings will wear out long before the engine rings will!!


If the carbs are original, I would plan on having a shop replace the bushings. Two problems with this, first you need to find an experienced shop and second it ain't gonna be cheap.

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