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motor is in.... sorta (EDIT: transmission mount query)

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Hey guys,


I put my engine and transmission in place yesterday..JTR Mounts. but i can tell by looking at the engine that it is not going to line up with the differential.


My 700r4 dipstick is againt the tranny tunnel on the passenger side. My HEI distributor is about 1/2" from the firewall... and it looks like i need to get the tail shaft of the transmission to move a full inch towards the passenger side...


I can't figure out a good way to get it all lined up.... i was think that i could modify the notches on the front crossmember, or add shims to raise the passenger side mount a little bit.


I am a bit lost at this point, I can't quite wrap my head around the situation, and i was hoping somebody could shed some light on what is going on...


Oh yeah, i just looked again and made sure that i have the correct spacers on the correct side.



I noticed that the JTR transmission crossmember will not fit. I was wondering if the MSA mount will fit the 700r4's case mount. (the one futher forward, 85 camaro style). I searched around and from the picture i see it looks like it will fit fine, can someone please help to confirm that before i go out and spend even more money...?


thanks for any help you may be able to provide,


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oh yeah... the drivers sde mount hangs over the front of the crossmember tower by about 1/2". The passenger side mount hangs over the front by about 1/4".


I just can't get the darn thing to move around!....



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the spacers and setback plates are correct... the drivers side plate has 6 holes, and the passenger side has 5.


The dipstick rubs inside of the tunnel, but is 1" from the firewall. I think it is very close. I may bolt up the crossmember, and remove the spacers between the crossmember and frame rail.. also i may remove the uppser washers on my rear diff mustache bar.


anyone have a really good picture of a 700r4 mounted with the JTR crossmember?


aw man... i just remembered that the manual says i have to switch tailhousings... F*$% that I'm gonna have to fab a mount.



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