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MBC is assembled, try 10psi tonight

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Guest bastaad525

did you drill the .020" hole in the 90* bend? I'm still stuck on this... turns out the one friend I thought had a drill does not, and I've still had no luck finding restrictors. I know that there needs to be some kind of outlet there, between the mbc and the wastegate actuator, I just can't think of a way of putting one w/o either using a drill or putting a tee with a restrictor.

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Guest bastaad525

I'm thinking I could just poke a tiny hole in the hose between the MBC and wastegate actuator, should serve the same purpose, but I'm worried that it wouldn't hold up to the boost and would eventually start ripping. What do you think?

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Well, worst case if your not is a big hurry you could mail me the 90 degree fitting and I'll drill it for you to .024. If somehow you ended up with a big hole in your vacuum hose you would lose all of your signal and not open the wastegate at all, which in my case since I removed the safety popoff could be bad :twisted:

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Guest bastaad525

yeah I dont have the popoff on anymore either, and I am worried about that. I am thinking of somehow 'reinforcing' the hose right where I will poke the hole, strengthen it up so the hole can't get any bigger. I'm also most likely going to get an adjustable popoff valve like the one they (used to???) sell at MSA, that way I'll wont have to worry about overboosting. It amazes me that you dont really see people putting these on their cars given the added amount of safety it would provide.


The first thing I'm going to do is take the MBC to home depot and see if I cant get someone there to drill the hole for me, they've been nice enough to do stuff like that for me before, free of charge.

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I have an 1/8" hole as a vent and it is working fine. I may just put a 1/8" vacuum hose on it and sqeeze the end with a clamp or plastic tie to add some restrictin until I get a brass fitting I could drill. I was also going to check the hobby store if they had any 1/8" aluminum tubing with a small i.d. to use as a restrictor. Another idea was to just cap of the plastic tee and poke a small hole in the plastic with a needle.

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Just got back from driving the car. Got it dialed right on 10psi. Dynobutt 2000 says it accelerates faster. I'm definitely addicted to turbo. I would say it spools faster now, and definitely pulls harder. Ok, where is my intercooler, bigger injectors, fuel pump, regulator, hybrid turbo, Megasquirt, etc, etc?????


I may make it to the track in the next couple weeks which will be interesting since I am still running the 4spd and R180. I am really curious to get a baseline ET before I switch to the 5spd. Did anyone else run their turbo conversion in the quarter with the original 4spd and R180? Right now I am waiting for my neighbor to get back from the persian gulf so I can head to the track with him. He has a nova he races all the time and I think he'll get a kick out of the z car. I have never ran at the track before so I wanted to go with him and see how it all works.

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Guest bastaad525

good ideas all, BayareaZT :) I had also considered just running the open hose off a tee and using a clamp to scrunch up the end. To be honest that is the one I'm most likely going to do... or maybe the cap but you'd still need to secure the cap I would think or the pressure would just blow it off, would it not? I had also thought of just getting a plastic tube, put it in the middle and put a little hole in that... at any rate there are lots of ways to get this one solved I see! thanks for the ideas Bayarea

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Guest scottjuly79

I am not even running the vent whole on mine (couldn't find small enough drill bit). So far it works great at 13.5 PSI. What is the purpose of the vent hole anyhowe?

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Guest bastaad525

From what I understand scott you really want a vent on there. I'll try to explain what it does as best I can. Lets say you're flooring it in 3rd gear or whatever, pushing your 13.5lbs of boost, which is pushing thru your boost controller to your wastegate actuator, and suddenly you let off the throttle. The MBC will shut tight very fast as boost lets off, and some pressure will get trapped between the MBC and the wastegate actuator, possibly holding it open. I seem to remember remember also reading that it would cause much greater wear on the diaphram in the actuator, so you need that little vent to let that pressure out, and I think also to prevent any vacuum from building up in there... I forget the details on what can cause that situation. As Bayarea pointed out though there are quite a few alternatives for DIY ways of putting a vent in there.

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Guest scottjuly79

That's probably why I had very poor boost response when shifting to first and second gears on my old T3. Funny thing is that on my new T3/T4 the boost response between gears is great and I have not touched the MBC (still no vent hole). Thanks for the heads-up I will drill the hole ASAP!


PS. where can I find such a small drill bit? I have tried NAPA and they have nothing.

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Guest bastaad525

that's what I'm saying... it's hard to find one so small. I like some of Bay areazt's methods for another way of having the vent there. A hose with a cap and hole poked with a needle would serve the same purpose perfectly.

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Guest bastaad525

Well I got tired of trying to find the right sized bit... I found them but they only seem to be sold in sets with other bits, average price $20-30, I figure for that I could have a machine shop just do it for me, uh uh... they wanted $50. So on a whim I call the local hobby shop that I buy at(I'm big into RC planes and heli's), and sure enough he's got .020" bits seperately there for like $2, but since I dont even have a drill I asked him if he could drill it for me and he said no problem he'd do it for like $5. So just a tip if you have any hobby shops nearby Scottjuly :)

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Guest scottjuly79

I found the proper (.024) drill bit at Acklands Granger, I bought mine for $4.90 Canadian (yes they sell them seperately). When you talk to Acklands, just ask for a #73 drill bit.


-Good luck!

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