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Album Pictures


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I have had this problem on several occasions and even logging out and back in hasn't helped. I can't see any of the normal sig pics when checking posts(which is ok), but i usually can't see any pics people put with there posts(actually IN the post).

I never had this problem until the new format. And NO, I'm not on AOL!

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Guest comeandzpa

Here's a twist to the story....

Last night I was browsing as usual, and all of a sudden the pictures worked! I could finally see the pics in the album. Overjoyed, I rushed through all 23 pages of the album, only to find that......

The 23d page didn't work- nor any other albums on the site!! ARGH this is driving me insane!

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

former internet tech support worker here :wink:


If you have tried multiple browsers then the browser is not the problem (although something you can try with IE is to go into your options and disable images, restart, and re-enable images). Nutscrape on windows just sucks. Mozilla based browsers work great for me on Linux.


Most likely the problem you are having is going to be cache related. If clearing your cache doesnt help or you are truly experiencing the same trouble with more than one browser on the same computer then it is going to be a server-side caching issue (your friendly ISP). ISP's that use server-side caching are becoming more common. Ay-Oh-Well, Compuswirve, M-S-eNd uses it now too, I believe, as they are joining in the ranks of "software that boosts your connection speed' (translated means they just cache a whole crap load of sites on their servers)


Edit: Oh ya, of course there is the slight possibility of a problem with the site itself in the way it creates/checks cookies, but that is quite slim.

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