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Do the '81-83 turbo ECU's have a 'learn' feature?

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

fl237 suggested this to me, he says that after he disconnects his ecu, which resets it, that his car will run a bit off for a while, but then a nice run up on the freeway lets it 'relearn' the curve I guess and perform better? I know newer cars come with this feature, but I thought our ZX ecu's were waaaaaaay too old and wouldn't have anything like this.

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Not a real relearn feature

But the ecu, afm, tps,head temp, 02, knock sensor, and cas have to relearn their relationship to one another and it takes a little bit.

Think of this, when a connector is loose or sensor is bad, car runs crappy.

ECU will fire the injectors richer and pull timing out, give you a low redline to protect itself, resulting in a crappy running car, in my case this is especialy noticed when I have loose connections at the AFM, Head temp, and ECU, to this date, my only issues intermittantly with my car..


Now you find the problem, correct it, reset the ecu, and take it back out.

Idle should feel funny for a while, and your first attempts at WOT throttle will put a brick wall effect a few times. Not to worry.


I take the car to the freeway really quick and take it up to 80mph, slowly.

It doesnt take a long time, but I have found out the longer you do keep it at a steady speed like this, the more correct it works at all driving and throttle conditions.


This is assuming all sensors and connectors are in good working order.

Knock sensor has done me more harm then good, its out of the loop now.


The longer you can go with a healthy running car and not needing to reset ecu, the better it will, car will finally go and drive really smooth, with WOT resulting at will with no interuptions, 25avg mpg, and be fun as heck to throw mods and boost at. Also remember, everytime you reset the system, the air temp sensor, altitude sensor, cas, and a few other parts of the efi system must talk to each other in order and re-establish their relationship. This is kinda like seeing a good friend of yours after a long time apart, you have to catch up.


Also, also things can effect the smooth running of a car, any car.

You cant go blaming the efi for all your problems, just like how a lot of people run straight for the carb when their car isnt running right.


Troubleshooting in an organized manner and distinguishing the true cause of the problem has to be done before action is taking.


You must walk before you can fly, and this is the main reason I will not go to a Standalone before its time, you have problems with stock efi, SDS is going to eat you alive.

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