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Slight miss/hiccup - Diagnosis help appreciated

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Ever since I've got my car on the road, I've had a slight miss every once in a while. This occurs at idle, and light throttle for sure, and I'm fairly certain at larger throttle openings as well. It corresponds with a very short lean out on my mixture meter. You can feel the hiccup through the whole car as well when it happens. A slight lurch to the car. (though rpm's seem to stay stable)


I've tried adjusting the TPS, as it was suggested to me the part throttle could be due to a porrly adjusted TPS. No dice. There are no "holes" in my EFI programming that would account for this either.


I had a notion that I might have an exhaust leak and am running too rich, so I'm getting a small amount of combustion in the header or downpipe. This could mess up the O2 sensor signal I would think. Thoughts?


Ideas appreciated.

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Guest Anonymous

the only thing i could think of is if one of your injectors might be bad? I had a miss in my NA eng. and it was cause of a bad injector. But if you say your sparkplugs look good i dont know. :confused2:


one thing my mechanic told me to do to help find the problem is to run to napa and but this fuel system cleaner called SEA FOAM. this stuff rules! Even gives you better gas mialege and stuff :2thumbs: .




Hope i could help wish you the best of luck

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