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Z Car + V8 = bald rear tires and speeding tickets


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Just got a damn speeding ticket tonight. Ironically, I was conscientiously driving a reasonable speed. Basically, I was coasting down a hill on a 4 lane. Claimed 55 in 35, which I actually do not believe. He "Cut me a break" and wrote it up for 54. Great, thanks. So my insurance goes up $5K over the next 3 years instead of $5200.


Also, I noticed yesterday that my 4000 mile Dunlops have no tread in the back. I have peeled 'em twice on purpose - not smoked per se, just peeled. Then I did have 2 or 3 accidental low traction situations. It's easy to forget that this car has an insane power to weight when you pop it down to go around some slow-ass, or when gunning it out of a strip mall to make it into a hole in rush hour traffic.


But still, these tires are virtually brand new. And they are supposed to have a decent treadwear - they're SP5000s.


So, now I am totally out of money. All this, lawyer, court costs, 2 new tires, comes straight out of the car budget.....


No way can I get to Reynolds now.

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I hate those speed traps at the bottom of hills or overpasses. Happened to me too a couple of months ago. 4 lanes going down hill and I was conciously trying to go slow. :evil: I didn't believe the gun either but I didn't complain. San Jose cops are ..........................

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