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'92 - '1997 Corvette engine - 2 or 4 main bolt?

Guest yatsen

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I read somewhere in this forum that the difference between the Corvette and the F-body LT1 engine is the amount of bolts. Supposedly the Corvette engine has 4 main bolts whereas the F-body engine has 2 main bolts. However, accordint to the specs on Automotix they both have 2 main bolt blocks. What gives?


About transmissions: I understand that the 2004R came with universal bolt patterns to allow bolt up of most GM engines. Does this also include the LT1?


I notiticed that the terms 2004R and 200R4 are used to name the animal. Is it the same transmission? If so, why 2 different names?

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My 96 Corvette LT1 has four bolt mains. I understand that all Corvette LT1's had four bolt mains and that some Camaros even came with the four bolt block. The 2004R and 200R4 are the same transmission and can be used with an LT1. I think the correct desingantion is 200 R4 but I have seen it so many ways I am not sure any more.

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