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well this project is going no where...... :(

Guest ON3GO

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well as i said in a few posts lately i need to get this car down to miami to get alex to put this motor in... but i need to get my rear struts sectioned and install my coilovers, i also have to do my rear disc brakes.

now i have my whole rear end out of my car. and i would do my rear struts as i did my front but i used my friends tools and my friend is in jail.

i also have to get my pivot bolts pressed out as i cant take them out for the life of me.

ive called up like too many shops to count to ask of they could press out these bolts and cut my struts and weld them back together and install my coilovers..


they either say "we only work on old V8 hod rods and wont touch jap cars" i wanna say you know my jap car is 100 times better then the crap you work on and ill smoke every single one!!!!!!!!

or they say "we wont do it because we never did it before"

im getting so upset and sick about this.

im soooo close yet i cant get this done!!!!!!!!

i even called shops in tampa which ive been told know there stuff "umm whats a strut" OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

or the best so far "we dont work on Datsuns or any other french car"


please tell me you just didnt say that.

anyways.... if anybody is in tampa or near tampa and knows somebody that can press this bolts out and weld and cut, and do whatever my struts need for these tokico inserts than please let me know..

thanks guys.



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Mike, shoot me an email and I will give you my phone number. Load everything you've got in your truck and come to Orlando on Sunday. I've got a spindle pin puller, air tools, workbench, blast cabinet and a good assortment of hand tools. I guarantee we can get it all pulled apart and the spring perches cut off. If we can get it done in time then a quick trip to my work and we can get the struts cut on the band saw. You would need to find someone to weld them back together but surely one of those shops would do just that. I know your time is running out and I want to see you finish your car.

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