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Crazy idea, body panel swapping

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I have come up with an interesting idea, but I need to know more about the late model 300zx's

Like this one:


First, what body style is that? Is that a "Z31" (would be helpful to know when searching as everyone here seems to like using the short names)

Second, where can I find a comprehensive list of specs (wheelbase, width, distance between wheels, length before front wheels and after back wheels, etc.)

EDIT (found this one): http://members.shaw.ca/stryfe007/cars/300zx-tt.html

Third, anyone know of anywhere to get any fiberglass parts?


I just got a crazy idea of building one of these bodies around a 1st gen chassis :twisted:


(California smog laws tend to warp your brain)

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Looks like the biggest difference is the width. Overall there is about 6 inches. This wont be a problem with the body itself, but is that going to be too wide to make the 240z wheelbase fill? Maybe a one inch spacer with really wide wheels? :?

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