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Small changes and details make the difference


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I don't have a perfect comparison here in photos, but I wanted to show some of you guys contemplating designing your own custom parts (or modifying existing aftermarket body parts) what a difference subtle changes make to a simple part, such as a rear spoiler. The first photo was the spoiler's original design. After I built it, and looked at it a while, I felt the upper side corners were too abrupt for the "look" of the rest of the Z's rounded corners so I rounded only the corners, which is shown in the second photo. BUT, again, after seeing it for a while, it became obvious that the upper edge of the spoiler was fairly straight while the roof line and rear window line has a curve to them that do not match the spoiler's upper edge. So I modified the spoiler a 2nd time to round the upper edge to match the roof and window. Even though these changes were subtle, it changed the whole character of the part. It goes to show that first ideas are not the best ones and that carrying shapes and contours throughout the car brings "synergy" to the overall product. Think long and hard and sit on it a while to let your ideas congeal before you start. The savings in time of a re-do is worth it. Not shown in these photos is the way the sides of the spoiler now flow into the sides of the rear of the quarterpanel as one single curve rather than two disjointed curves or angles (when seen from a front or rear quarter view)







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You are a sucker for punishmet , Terry. The car is looking better and better. You are very right in saying its not easy to get it right the first time when starting from scratch. Originally I thought ot the first gen z as a sleek and "rounded" style. After may beers and a few late nights looking at it, I came to the realisation that it looks swoopy but a lot of the shape is derived from hard edges, In particular the main one that runs along the side of the length of the car. This makes blending a rear spoiler in really difficult if you want to make it look like its suposed to be there. I have gone for a little different approach but then mines a 2+2 and I wanted to lenghthen the car visually to draw attension away from the hocky stick roof line and be funtional.


Must go and do some work on it. Havent touched it for months.


Good work, you are a inspiration!



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I just now realized you live in Arkansas. I will be in Magnolia next Tuesday 10/7. I have no clue how close that is to little rock(which I have been to aswell), but would love the chance to see your blue oval Z if I had a chance. email, pm or something. I would hate myself for not trying.

PS. You are very right about the small details that bring a design together.

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Terry, Here is what I noticed almost immediately. When you first did your new tail lights, I though that the small taper that the F-100 lights looked a bit odd on your car. Now seeing the comparison, I think the problem was the straight line of the spoiler was overpowering the curve of the rear profile, and that was what was making the lights lood funny to me.

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As usual, Terry, you hit the nail on the head with respect to the design. I like the new changes you have made and I think they enhance what you have already accomplished 10X at least. For your sake I hope you will arrive at an "it's finished!" state so you can enjoy your car on the track and on the street :D


Thanks for always being helpful and including great information on costom body fabrication here on the site. :2thumbs:



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I hope you will arrive at an "it's finished!" state so you can enjoy your car on the track and on the street


Me too. Any chance it will make it to SEZS 4? :D

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Guest Zachb55

you know, when i look at the rear of your car it just radiates 'Stock Custom" and what i mean by this is it looks like one of those awesome cars like an Aston Martin stock, but the work quality is so high that if i didnt know anything about these cars i would just come up to you and say "holy crap what brand of car is that? and how many hundreds of thousands of dollars did you spend on it?". The work you have done is amazing man, i cant wait to see that in full paint. your car idolizes what my goal for a car is in my life.

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I had to laugh on the post by Zachb55. I took this car down to the local SoloII races a few weekends ago. This guy that was racing a late model RX7 that had be set up very well (professionally done with some turbo mods as well) looked at my car and said "it's only money." It was one of those moments when you didn't know what to say :?: . I probably had half the money in my car that he had in his. I didn't know if he meant I threw a bunch of money at the car or if he meant is looked like I had. Anyway, it kinda bothered me 'cause my money spent on this car goes to support the local salvage yard and body shop supply stores, and not the local speed shop.

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Terry, I really echo Zach comments. Your's is one of the few highly modified cars (of any type) that when you look at it, you wonder if it came from the factory that way. It looks like a supercar. In fact, that was probably what the guy in the RX7 was commenting about, figuring that you had spent $250,000 to buy your car like that from the factory! ;)


Kudos on a very innovative and well executed design.

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