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My engine is dying :-(

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Yep, my engine in my Z is dying. It's a 280ZX engine for those of you who dont know. Twin SU's. Not sure what is happening as I have never seen anything like this before. :(


Here's what is happening...

When accelerating from a start, the car stutters like that rooster on the old warner bros cartoons. "Now ah say, ah say.."

It bucks hard and falls on it's face hard. Just started doing this recently, and it started by doing this at any rpm under 1500. Even when cruising in the RPM range it will stutter and miss. The RPM has gradually gone up to where now it will stutter at anything under 3000 RPM and is starting to move up to 3500.


Recent changes:

Had the intake and exhaust off and got them cleaned up and painted with temp resistant paint. Got the carbs cleaned up and adjusted properly. Changed oil and filter and spark plugs. Installed a MSD blaster coil.


BTW, the car shows the same signs cold or warmed up.

Could this be the coil? Thinking of changing back to the old coil tomorrow to see if that helps, I am really at a loss here.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Woohoo! Solved my own problem, and I feel like such a dope! :oops:


Turns out I was getting crossfire. Need new spark plug wires. About 4 inches from the distributor the wires are sparking through to eachother.

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