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17/18 wheels for 280ZXT...is it worth it?

Guest jjohart

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Guest jjohart

I've been searching, but I can't find any manufacturers that state they have wheels for my z, including Centerline, TSW and others, much less iin 17/18 sizes I'm looking for in spring. When I queried Centerline on why so many Z's I see on this site have em', they said people might be using spacers, which is something they don't recommend.

So, apart from using spacers, what is out there for available plus one, two or even three set ups (bonus=what tire sizes are best for each). Even Tire Rack tried to sell me a racing wheel, the only one they had for Z's in a 16, which wasn't for street use at all!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

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modern-motorsports.com makes adapters to use fwd offset wheels on your car.


everyone has 17s now, they are like the 15" wheel of today, very common, so common they dont stick out anymore.


be the first zx on 19" wheels.... do it.

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who me, no, not at all? :D

At one point i was thinking of what I would do to a 280zxt, and 19" wheels was up there pretty high. 17" is very common on older z cars now, 18" is already owned by a few as well, but 19" nobody dares run them.

On an early z i cant see 19s, as 18s is pushing it pretty hard. its known a zx can fit a larger and wider tire than a z in general, so im saying, WHY NOT? Anyways just throwing it out there, i havent seen 18s on a zxt yet either, that would be cool as heck as well.

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Guest jjohart

Hmm, so most of the wheels with the adapter are Honda, read Prelude styles, etc. Problem is, I have nice Micearemen (Michelin) snows on the stock 15 Maltese cross tires, and it would be an economic, if not physical hardship to be taking those adapters off and on every snow season here in New England! Correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't make adapters for the adapters to put back the Z wheels, do they?!!?

Something tells me I'm getting in too deep here!

I really don't get the zero offset bit, either...I'm totally lost with all the measurement stuff on the site recommended, but perhaps someone should just say...if you have to have it, you can get it, how much do ya wanna pay!?!?!"


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Here's a thought: Go to the junkyard or wheel shop and buy four stock steel honda rims to put your snow tires on.


Something else to think about: Wheels larger than 16" are usually vanity items that degrade your handling, not improve it. They usually (not always) are heavier than their smaller diameter counterparts, and they usually cost more, and the tires cost more. Skinny sidewalls are rougher riding and more easily damaged, but they do allow better handling on a pool-table-smooth skidpad. Unless you do a lot of skidpad driving, I think you'd be happier with 16 inch rims.


Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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