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Heat only on full blast in "automatic" mode!

Guest jjohart

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Guest jjohart

Hi, my Nissan mechanic told me it'd take 8 hours or more just to find the source of vacuum issues that cause the temp slider to have no effect on regulating hot and cold air. Essentially, that is a statement implying it's uneconomical to repair. Since I'm no mechanic, but do know other ones, I'm wondering if there is really no hair or hide to the process...the mechanic at Nissan said the dash has to come off, the climate control, possibly other dash pieces...sounded like a frightening mess to me! Any suggestions...is my mechanic right that it is a job almost without resolvable end in reasonable time?


1983 280ZXT

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Guest jjohart

Trace off the vacuum wires? Yikes, you've got to picture me as a complete mechanical idiot..what do I do, put a floor mat up to em and see which ones will pick the dirt up? :lol: semi-seriously, what you're saying then, is it's hit or miss, but if I pay someone intelligent to do, IT IS a lengthy process, eh?!!!

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YEah, there is a mess of vacuum lines under the dash. You could try pulling the lines out, one by one, inspecting and replacing. There is alimited number that you can get to, but if you pull a couple of panels from the underside of the dash (couple of screws here and there) you can get to more. You might get lucky and find a broken or cracked hose in a place that's accessible.

By doing it one hose at a time, you will not have a problem with putting them back wrong. It's a b!tch job, but it may save you tons of $$ if you can find it yourself. Think of it....if the mechanic finds a cracked hose in an easily accessible place, don't you think that he may fix it in 5 minutes...park the car for a couple of days, then charge you $800 for the work.....nah, not a mechanic...they are very reputable....like used car dealers :shock::roll::twisted:


Also, maybe walk around a couple of junk yards and see if you can find a ZX with the dash removed. Then you can get a good look at where all the lines are.



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