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Sound deadening

Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I was cruising in my Z today, appreciating the fact that it is relatively quiet for an older car (no squeeks or creeks or vibrations), but then I started wondering why it didnt seem as quiet as it could be. I started thinking of when I used to drive my Honda, and it was quiet as well, and about the only thing that I can hear in either car is the exhaust. I tried as hard as I could to determine why my Z just seemed to have more noise even though I couldnt put my finger on anything that I could hear. When I am driving I can feel pressure in my ears, like I am hearing something noisy, but I dont hear anything!


Is it possible to feel inaudible noise? I know that you can with bass and such. Kinda weird that I was thinking that the silence seemed so loud. The only thing I could relate it to was the wind roar I would hear when riding my motorcycle, except that I dont actually hear anything!


Does anyone know what I am talking about? Does anyone know what it is that newer cars have that keep this "sound" out? I know of the sound deadening material that you can use in the car to keep road noise out, but that doesnt seem to be what I am "hearing".

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The newer cars use a triple seal set-up on their doors and a more elaborate window seal to reduce wind noise. Not sure that is an option on Z's. You can also go into the door panels themselves and install sund deadened that will help. Talk wityh a local car upholstery shop. They should be able to give you some guidance.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I was thinking it might be something like that. Maybe after I figure it out I can make a kit! :-D


I know it should be possible to get it at least a little bit quieter because the seals that I have on my old truck keep the noise out pretty well. I just thought it was weird that I cant really hear it.

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Newer cars are also designed without drip guards, with lights and windshield wipers recessed, and with flush door handles and aerodynamic mirrors. On the Z, these protrusions stir up the air flowing over the car, and create a lot of wind noise that simply isn't present in a modern car. The Z sounds noisier because it makes more noise. Another problem is that hatch seal just six inches from the back of your head. Even with the best weather stripping and sound deadning in the world, you will not be able to make your Z as quite as a car with better aerodynamics.


This is presuming that you have already reduced the noise from the engine and tires. A lot of very popular mods make the car noisy. Headers, free-flowing exhaust, open-element filters, and wide tires all contribute.

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I agree with baddriver about what makes the noise- things sticking out disturbing the wind, like the side windows not being (flush) with the door frame, etc. I bet that the wind going through the front grill, radiator, then down through the engine bay makes noise. Don't forget about the drive shafts (3 of those).


BUT, I suggest you keep in mind that you don't want to make the car so quiet that you can't hear traffic beside you. I'm talking about somebody tooting the horn AT you or FOR you, or an emergency vehicle's siren approaching, maybe even a cop directing traffic. For the same reason I don't care for loud radios- you can't hear what's outside.


my 2 sense.

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Guest plainswolf

Actaully no, it's the inner unibody from what I understand.. it supposed to reduce vibration and resonance and have superior sound absorbing properties.. I believe they literally call it "quiet steel"


I think with newer cars it's quite a few variables that make for a quieter ride..

an extreme example is my best friend's 1998 3/4ton suburban that has a 454 with a whipple charger on it.. unbelievably quiet ride for such a big, powerful vehicle.. But it's not the most aerodynamic vehicle.

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i hear that lexus(the most quiet cars on the road) even use a special type of plastic between the il pan and the engine to lower engine vibration. sorry. not too detailed. but just trying to show that the newer car designs are highly based on making the car more quiet and luxurious. the early z's and other cars were not luxury based in those early years.

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