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not retated, just hooked on phonics

Guest pvtkary

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Guest pvtkary

sorry guys, Im presently working in korea. not affiliated with the military, but did do time on a LRRP team. The F*&KING key board in my hotell room is in korean. the browers n stuff also look like spagetieos to me. So please excuse my keying errors. Its nice to talk to fellow gearheads. I read the post i made, and doo!! hooked on phonics works for me.

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Guest pvtkary


the keyboard looks very simlar to the US version. The korean language is actually chinees hooked on phonics no sh#$. they have a phonetic alphebet with roughly the same number of chairacters as us give or take a few. the keybord has the pf keys, and the number keys, the alphebet keys have korean chairacters on them. without the help of spell check, and guessing as to which key is where i just let some of it slip. Where i come from gearheads dont worry much about such things.

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