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82 280zx flywheel / clutch


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I'm replacing the clutch and flywheel on my 280zx..


I bought the car for like 200$. Drove it around a while and you could tell that the clutch was making a little bit of noise when not clutched in (idle). I didn't think about the clutch rubbing on the flywheel at the time. *don't know jack shit about cars lol* .. so basically I was driving around one day and left a red light when I heard a loud pop and all of the sudden my tach went straight to 6k. *clutch wasnt engaging* .. it proceeded to give me more shit and then I pulled into a parking lot. It still drives around and what not.. just really freaking loud (higher rpm, louder noise.) It goes into gear just fine and everything *sometimes it slips a bit* but not badly at all. I took her home immediately and left it.


A few of my friends have told me the clutch probably tore up the flywheel. Would that be correct? Assuming so I decided to go ahead and get a new clutch and flywheel.


The *While I'm at it* syndrome got me.. so I'm thinking of buying the fidanza alum flywheel -- found it for 320 shipped. I was also looking at a SPEC stage II clutch for 330 shipped. I've seen a few people say you can't use certain flywheels with certain clutches and what not.. I don't know if this is true or not, but if it is/isn't let me know :-D


Also I've heard a few things about how the lightweight flywheel messes with the *drivability* .. havn't seen any specifics but if anyone knows exactly how this affects it, please lemmy know :P


If any of you guys have any alternate suggestions for parts, or places to get it cheaper.. or know what I believe to be the problem is not.. pleeeease say so. I'd like to get this done weekend after this.


>scared of the mighty search button< =D


thanks guys


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Ok, searched a bit.. found some of my answers.


Anyone got any ideas on a clutch? I see good things about SPEC & ACT, and a lot of people with diff opinions on the flywheel.. how its better to have stock, better to have lite, etc etc. Would it be a good idea for a car that is going to be driven around town, to work, etc.. and occassional racing? =P



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